More Birthdays Than I Know What to Do With

I don’t know if any of you are aware, but May is absolutely filled to the brim with the birthdays of old Hollywood icons! I took one look at my calendar page and about had a heart attack. I’ve already missed a few and I apologize for that, but hopefully the rest of this post makes up for it. May 3 rd : Bing Crosby One of my favorite singers and a great actor, too. Le Bing is the personification of cool, calm, and relaxed, which makes it all the more heartbreaking and profound when you see a performance like THE COUNTRY GIRL . May 4 th : Audrey Hepburn What more can be said about Audrey? To me, she’s fantastic in everything she does: dancing, singing, acting, wearing clothes, you name it. She can do no wrong, I don’t care what people say. May 7 th : Gary Cooper This man…ugh, don’t even get me started. One look from him makes me melt. You’ll never want to watch MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN with me—I become far too annoying with my adoration of the gorgeous Mr. Cooper....