Announcing the Third Esther Williams Blogathon!


For the third year in a row, I'm very excited to bring back my Esther Williams blogathon! I never imagined this event would be popular enough to be an annual thing, but it has made me beyond happy to read others' thoughts on the woman I could never imagine living without these past few years.

Because Esther's filmography isn't very large, I'll allow any topic to be claimed a maximum of two (2) times. That being said, you can cover more than her films, such as her autobiography, her history with swimsuits, her TV work, an overview of her teamings with people like Busby Berkeley, Red Skelton, Ricardo Montalbán, etc. I will say that if any of her work with Van Johnson is taken the maximum number of times, I'll still be holding my annual Van blogathon in August (which I'll be announcing very soon), so you'll have another chance to cover it.

Again, because the topics are a bit more limited than my usual blogathons, there will be a max limit of three (3) posts per person.

This probably goes without saying, but I won't accept any posts that are disrespectful to Esther.

The event will be on August 6-8 since the 8th is Esther's birthday. You can post on any of the three days of the blogathon, or you can post early! I only ask that you be sure to send me your link and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Now grab a banner, spread the word, and I'll see you in August!

List of Participants

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | personal Esther collection

The Stop Button | The Hoodlum Saint (1946)

Whimsically Classic | Dangerous When Wet (1953)

Taking Up Room | On an Island with You (1948)

18 Cinema Lane | Easy to Wed (1946)

Critca Retro | Esther and Annette Kellerman

Box Office Poisons | Esther's restaurant The Trails


  1. Can I do HOODLUM SAINT for The Stop Button?

  2. Can I write about "Dangerous When Wet" ?

    1. Please do! That's my favorite Esther film. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to review "On An Island With You" if that's OK.

  5. Hello Michaela! I would like to review 'Easy to Wed' for the blogathon!

  6. Hi! For this blogathon I'd like to write about Esther Williams and Annette Kellermann beyond the biopic Million Dollar Mermaid.
    Le from Crítica Retro (

    1. Great topic, Le! And sorry for the late reply -- your comment was marked as spam for some reason and I just now saw it.

  7. I'd love to participate again this year and write about her restaurant, Trails!

    Jess at Box Office Poisons (

  8. Hi Michaela! I published my review of 'Easy to Wed' early.


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