Liebster Award #4!

Thanks to sweet Christina Wehner, I've received my fourth Liebster! If you haven't checked out Christina's site, you should -- she offers concise, well-written, and thoughtful pieces that are sure to make you think. The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows: answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator; nominate a maximum of 11 other blogs; and ask 11 of your own questions. The hardest part in accepting this award is the nominating of others. Normally, I don't get much of a response, or the bloggers I think of have either been nominated by me before or they have just been given a Liebster themselves. So, although it isn't very sporting, I don't think I'll be nominating this time around. I will, however, ask 11 questions and answer them myself. Feel free to share your thoughts on those in the comments!

Christina's Questions:
1. Book you would most liked to have seen Alfred Hitchcock turn into a movie.
I really liked the book Gone Girl, and the movie was good, but all throughout it, I kept thinking "Hitch would've loved this." David Fincher included some nods to Hitchcock, but we all know that's not the same thing.

2. Book you would most like to see turned into a musical.
I think it'd be interesting to see a musical based on Ginger Rogers's autobiography. It'd be really tough to do, granted.

3. Favorite movie musical score or soundtrack?
This could change, but I'll say it's a tie between Call Me Madam and Swing Time.

4. Stars you would have liked to have seen paired in a musical.
I would have loved to have seen Tommy Rall as a leading man, not the second or third lead. If he had worked with Gene Kelly, it would have been amazing. I would also do anything to see Cary Grant star in one of Esther Williams's aqua musicals. I wouldn't even require him to sing, although that would certainly tickle me pink.

5. Least favorite musical.
I honestly can't think of one. Musicals are my favorite genre, so I typically find something to like in all of them. Some have been really forgettable, but I, well, can't remember them.

6. If your life was turned into a musical biopic, would you rather be played by a singer or dancer?
Dancer! I always regret that I quit dance classes when I was little.

7. Classic movie you would most like to see on the big screen.
Anything by Fred and Ginger or Esther Williams.

8. Movie you would most like to see remade today.
This isn't exactly an answer, but I miss the old romantic comedies. So few of them today have the wit and the spark of Pillow Talk, Vivacious Lady, etc.

9. Best book you’ve read in the last year.
90% of the things I've read in the past year have been for classes, and practically none of them were worth a second look. Right now I'm rereading Katharine Hepburn's autobiography, which is one of my favorites.

10. Which film recently made you reflect on it long after the credits were over?
Jules et Jim. I've wanted to see it for a while and my summer class just watched it. It wasn't at all what I expected, particularly the ending, so I keep finding myself thinking about it at random times. It also doesn't help that Jeanne Moreau's character sings one of the catchiest songs known to mankind. (I apologize in advance if you clicked on the link.)

11. Who is your favorite composer?
George Gershwin, although Irving Berlin runs a very close second. Gershwin wrote absolutely gorgeous music, particularly "Rhapsody in Blue" and the "American in Paris" suite. His brother was a genius at lyrics, too.

My Questions (and Answers):
1. Favorite comedic Cary Grant role?
Every comic performance from Cary was masterful, but my favorite is probably Bringing Up Baby. Those glasses on that face make me swoon, and nobody could do a pratfall or chase after a dinosaur bone like Cary.

2. Who was Gene Kelly's best partner?
Cyd or Judy, Cyd or Judy... I'm going to go with Judy, just because she was a more complete performer than Cyd. Plus, I've read that Gene thought of Ms. Garland as his favorite partner, and their love for each other always shone through.

3. Favorite foreign film?
Although I really enjoy Breathless, I'm going modern here and saying Amélie. It may be too quirky for some people, but I find it heartwarming, sweet, clever, unique, and funny. A truly beautiful film.

4. Current music obsession?
The new album from The Monkees. I adore this band, and Good Times! is incredible. I love it so much. My favorite song so far is "She Makes Me Laugh."

5. Favorite screwball comedy?
This isn't very original, but It Happened One Night. The main reason: Clark Gable.

6. William Powell or Dick Powell?
They're both wonderful, but William Powell was really something special. Just thinking about him makes me smile.

7. Best movie snack?
A chocolate and peanut butter sandwich. You make it just like you would a grilled cheese sandwich, except instead of cheese, you do peanut butter and those miniature Hershey's bars. My mom regrets teaching me how to make them.

8. Current TV obsession?
Get Smart. I bought seasons 1-2 a few months ago and I couldn't devour it fast enough. I can't wait to buy the rest of the series when I get back to the U.S. It's a hilarious, original, and very witty spoof of the spy genre. Don Adams and Barbara Feldon are amazing together as Maxwell Smart and Agent 99, and Ed Platt as their boss is delicious. So, so good.

9. Favorite Beatle?

10. Friendship in a film that you're totally jealous of?
Oddly specific, I know, but I think about this a lot. Friendship in films can be very interesting, and there's one in particular that I always envy: Robert Preston and Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria. They're so perfect together and I just want to be their best friend and they can sing to me all the time and I can drool over James Garner when Julie isn't looking and it'd be so magical.

11. Favorite film that takes place in Paris?
Sabrina, although admittedly it's more about Paris as an ideal than a setting. Still, it's easily my second favorite movie ever. You can read more about my thoughts on it here.

Thank you again, Christina! And congrats to my fellow nominees!

With love,


  1. Fantastic answers....and questions! :) I thought I was going to melt in a puddle of drool at your description of the chocolate and peanut butter sandwich.

    I love your idea of turning Ginger Roger's autobiography into a musical - that would be really cool, even though, as you say, it would be so tough to do. Do you have any ideas of who could play Ginger Rogers?

    Oh, that's a tough question about William Powell and Cary Grant. It's so hard to get too much of either of them.

    Thanks for your thoughtful, fun and fascinating answers!

    1. Oh, you must try the sandwich! It's gooey deliciousness! As for who could play Ginger, I have no idea. I'm always super tough on modern actors who play the classic stars (The Aviator received a lot of scoffs from me, although Jude Law as Errol Flynn wasn't too bad). Michelle Williams did well as Marilyn Monroe, and she's had musical experience with "Cabaret" on Broadway. I don't know, though...

      I always ask myself these tough questions. They sound fun, and then I have to actually answer them and it's like "Uhhhh..." Thank you again for the nomination! It was too kind!

  2. love your blog keep it up... looking for updates...


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