Remington Steele: "In the Steele of the Night"

This is my second and final entry to the Second Annual Favorite TV Episode Blogathon. You can see my first post, focused an episode of I Love Lucy, here , and the other posts here . ************************************ I was a little hesitant to make my second entry about Remington Steele . When I wrote about the show before (along with its siblings Hart to Hart and Moonlighting ), the post fell with a resounding thud. I was hoping to find others who would geek out with me -- "Steele is so dreamy! David Addison is the best! Jennifer Hart didn't deserve to be a damsel so many times!" -- but it was to no avail. Despite that, I really wanted to try again with this blogathon. Maybe if I talk about one episode, it will inspire others to look the show up and then maybe I'll finally get my fan club. It's a long shot, I'm sure, but humor my delusions. Remington Steele was a popular show that ran for five seasons, from 1982 to 1987, and it's...