Vera & Gene & Vera & Fred

Vera-Ellen was a gem. A gorgeous woman with some of the fastest feet around, Vera-Ellen Westmeier Rohe made only fourteen films, but you can bet that she made an impression in each and every one of them. Despite this, when it comes to discussing the great film dancers, Ann Miller and Cyd Charisse are more likely to be mentioned than Vera-Ellen. In terms of her onscreen personality, her acting, and her talent, I would say that Vera was a mixture of Miller and Charisse. She was also one of six women to have danced with both Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, who are arguably the biggest legends in movie musical history. When talking about her work with Astaire and Kelly, Charisse said "it's like comparing apples and oranges. They're both delicious." With that thought in mind, I'm not setting out to see who was the better partner for Vera. I would rather focus on this overlooked actress and the differences in her partnerships with the Marlon Brando and the Cary Grant ...