Happy 111th, Cary!

Let's all just sit and stare at that beautiful face for a few minutes... Okay, I'll be serious. Cary Grant may have the most handsome face in history, but he was always more than his looks. Like Fred Astaire, he had class, grace, modesty, generosity, and enormous talent. (There's a reason Gene Kelly called Astaire the Cary Grant of dance.) Cary will forever be my favorite actor--I loves him to pieces. I'm particularly at a loss today as to what more could be said about Cary. He had perfect timing. He was an amazing leading man. He knew comedy in and out. His dramatic performances were, and sometimes still are, underappreciated. He deserved an Oscar at some point in his career (I say for Notorious or Bringing Up Baby ). He was extraordinarily good-looking. Exhibit A: All of the above is true. The man defines a real movie star, one we will likely never see again. But he was also an incredible person. Sometimes it makes me tear up just reading about his lov...