Happy second day of 2015!

I had wanted to post something for Christmas and New Year's Eve, but my brain just didn't want to function. I figured if I couldn't think of anything, I shouldn't publish something half-baked. But I hope you all had great holidays!

I have some ideas in the works for this year's blogging, including a series focused on the oft-forgotten Ida Lupino. I've noticed that my pieces on Esther Williams and Astaire & Rogers were the most popular posts I've done, so I'm going to try and write more things like that. I usually don't like reading or writing biographical stuff--I'm more into analysis and opinion--but I have an idea of how to tweak it to please everyone.

I also want to write about classic TV shows. I'm already putting together a post for the 1960's Batman series, and I'd love to publish something on The Addams Family and I Love Lucy. Hopefully I can get my hands on more series through YouTube and Netflix.

One of the things I'm most excited for this year is the Orson Welles centennial celebration taking place at IU. The Lilly Library will have memorabilia and other items on display for the majority of the semester, and I think I read that lectures will take place there as well. The Cinema will be showing all sorts of exciting films--there will be the usual Welles canon (The Magnificent Ambersons, Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil...), but they'll also be showing the new documentary Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles, the recently-found Too Much Johnson from 1938, and other rare footage from Welles. Scholars like James Naremore (who's a professor at IU!), Joseph McBride, Patrick McGilligan, and filmmakers who are connected to Welles will be giving lectures, introducing films, and doing Q&A sessions after screenings. It's going to be fantastic, and I'll be sure to blog about everything I can.

Here's to an exciting new year!

With love,


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