A Memorable Moment with Danny Kaye

This may be my greatest challenge yet... I found out about this blogathon and knew I had to join, but my excitement quickly turned to panic. You see, the point of this blogathon is to talk about one scene from one movie, a scene that you instantly rewound or that you love watching so much, you drive away friends and family because you just can't stop viewing it and quoting it and reenacting it. (Not that I would know what that's like.) A hundred different ideas came to mind, but I finally decided to look at something from On the Riviera , a Danny Kaye-Gene Tierney picture I have mentioned before . I adore this movie, and although I plan on writing it up this summer, I figured I'd go ahead and give you all just a taste of the musical comedy fun that is On the Riviera . Definitely check out the rest of the wonderful roster , though. It's just too too. ********************************************************************************* On the Riviera (1951) stars ...