The Liebster Award.

I got nominated for a Liebster Award! The lovely Leah at Cary Grant Won't Eat You nominated me, and I'm very grateful. The rules are that I have to answer Leah's 11 questions, share 11 things about myself, nominate up to 11 bloggers, and ask my own 11 questions. It's a tall order during all these crazy blogathons I'm working on, but I can't ignore this, so here goes...

I nominate...
The Blonde at the Film
Flickin' Out
Back to Golden Days
Now Voyaging
Girls Do Film
Moon in Gemini
Silents and Talkies
The Wonderful World of Cinema
Once Upon a Screen
Serendipitous Anachronisms

Leah's Questions.
1. What’s your favorite movie when you’re feeling blue?
Starting with a toughie! I would say anything with Fred and Ginger. Their charm, goofiness, singing, and dancing could lift anyone out of the doldrums. Plus, they're so darn cute.

2. Angry?
Bathing Beauty, Dangerous When Wet... (I clearly suck at narrowing it down to one specific film.) Esther Williams films are a major weakness for me. She's such a favorite, and watching her get sassy with her leading men is one of life's greatest pleasures.

3. Nostalgic?
Disney classics. Watching Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, et al. are instant time machines. Right away I'm back in my princess outfits, sipping from a Sebastian mug, and hanging out with my sister.

4. Giddy?
Ball of Fire. It's already such a fun and lovely movie, it would double my giddiness. Singin' in the Rain would too.

5. Undercaffeinated?
Betty Grable movies are sure to perk you up. She had so much energy and attitude, you'll feel like emulating her for sure.

6. What invention in your lifetime has affected you the most?
Uhhh... the Internet? Sure, why not.

7. Which actor or actress (the performer/character he/she plays) would make the best superhero in your estimation? Why?
Errol Flynn would have been outstanding as a superhero. I mean, he already did the prototype for it a hundred times with his adventure flicks. Plus, Errol Flynn and tights are always a good combination.

8. Which classic movie character would you ask romantic advice?
I would totally talk to Deborah Kerr's Terry McKay from An Affair to Remember. She's level-headed, witty, and definitely has experience in the hardships of romance. She stays best friends with her ex, and she winds up with Cary Grant. Girl knows what she's doing.

9. Which movie character (classic/current) would give you terrible advice about everything?
Aunt Hortense (Alice Brady) from The Gay Divorcee. She's so flighty and incredibly forgetful, not to mention she's been married so many times, she's lost count. She seems pretty self-absorbed, too.

10. Which literary/movie character would you ask to help you with your least favorite errand?
My least favorite errand is probably dropping off and picking up my niece constantly--she always has something going on. I would need someone who was fun to be in a car with, and I think Amanda Bonner (Kate Hepburn) from Adam's Rib would be fascinating to talk with while I drive around. Just look at her conversation with Adam in their car--it's smart, empowering, and thought-provoking. I also have a feeling we drive the same way, so she can't judge me.

11. Which actor/actress are you surprised you like? Why?
Dennis Morgan. He wasn't the best actor, and he was largely relegated to lesser-known films, leading many to either forget him or not know who he is at all. (Hint: he played Ginger Rogers's rich beau in Kitty Foyle.) I'll admit he's not the best actor by any stretch of the imagination, but dammit, there's something about Dennis Morgan that entrances me. To read more about that, click here.

Eleven Things About Myself.
1. I've been playing guitar since 6th grade, so...8 years. My guitar teacher has become one of my favorite people ever, and she's patiently been trying to get me to believe in my abilities, which still hasn't worked. I can't play by memory, which is frustrating, but who needs memorization when you've got the notes written down in front of you?

2. I have a miniature French poodle, and she's kind of my child.

3. My grandmother and aunt on my mom's side are great artists, although they haven't painted in years. I finally encouraged my mom to start painting herself and last year she took my request and did this marvelous thing: Alfred Hitchcock and Cary Grant silhouetted.

4. For years, I did gymnastics at the local YMCA. I wasn't training for competitions or anything; it was just a fun thing to do for exercise. I loved gymnastics so much, I got a lovely little stress fracture in my back from it. I wish I had kept with it.

5. Thanks to my mom, I'm a huge classic rock fan. Sinatra may be my favorite singer, but I love me some AC/DC, Van Halen, the Rolling Stones, Foreigner... I actually saw AC/DC and Van Halen live, and it was basically magical for me. If you ever want to get me angry, say Sammy Hagar is better than Diamond Dave.

6. I cross-stitch, a hobby I thought was out of date until I proudly announced to a college classroom that that's how I spent winter break and every girl responded with "I love cross-stitching! Knitting and crocheting are great, too!" So, there went my superior attitude...

7. My great aunt Kay was a stewardess in the 1950's-1960's and she got to meet a fair share of celebrities, including Dean Martin and Eddie Fisher. In fact, it was during her run-in with Fisher that she meet Debbie Reynolds. I guess Fisher gave my great aunt and her fellow stewardess tickets to his show, and then afterwards he asked his then-wife to take my great aunt back to the airport. And Reynolds was pregnant with Carrie Fisher at the time! It's mind-boggling. Above is a snapshot of my great aunt (left) with Fisher. She couldn't believe it when he left Reynolds for Liz Taylor: "Debbie was so sweet!"

8. I've started collecting old sheet music. Not only do they look gorgeous and make for great wall art, they're also from the time when Hollywood released sheet music as part of promotion for their musicals and other films. It's a cheap way to collect movie memorabilia. Plus, I get to use them in my guitar lessons.

9. My family used to own a shop dedicated solely to Coca-Cola items. My great uncle Paul, husband to Kay, loved Coke memorabilia and worked for the company for decades. When he retired from there, he opened his own little shop which sold Coke items only. He was my dad's favorite uncle, so when he died, my dad hated to see the shop just disappear. We owned it for about five years, but sadly the shop just couldn't keep up. It got so bad, we started selling Pepsi items, which you wouldn't think is a big deal but it really is for Coke collectors. And yes, there is such a thing as Coke collectors. We had customers who would come once a year and buy a good amount of stuff for their collections. It was sad to see the place go, but it was a big relief too.

10. I'm basically stuck in a different era, technologically speaking. I have a typewriter my grandma gave me that I wish I could use every day. I love listening to vinyl. I have a Nook, but prefer actual books. I still take notes by hand in class. It broke my heart when my VHS player gave up two months ago--and right after I bought Mickey Mouse cartoons on tape! I really want to bring back the rotary phone.

11. I've been dying my hair ever since the fifth grade. All my classmates were amazed my mom allowed me to do it, and that she did it herself. I'm naturally a brunette, but I've been a blonde, one time because of bleach. I've had purple, bluish green, and fuchsia hair on separate occasions. I went with highlights for about two years. For one year I decided to see what my hair color really was, but now I've switched to a reddish brown, or auburn.

Eleven Questions for The Nominees to Answer.
1. Who is your second favorite actor/actress, and why?
2. Favorite on-screen duo?
3. Which actor/actress/director/etc. do you wish wrote an autobiography?
4. If you had the money, what film-related item would you buy in an instant? Memorabilia, a theater, old costumes...?
5. What is your personal favorite flick from 1939?
6. Splashy 1950's musicals or gritty 1940's films noir?
7. Is there a director you wish got more attention, during their time and/or today?
8. Who do you think was Fred Astaire's best partner?
9. If you were allowed only one movie-related book, what would it be?
10. Favorite Disney film? (I'll include Pixar.)
11. Is there a movie you're ashamed to admit you hate/love?

Thank you so much, Leah! I've been trying so hard with my blog, and it thrills me that you chose to recognize that. And to my nominees, you're all amazing and deserve this!

With love,


  1. Loved your answers to the questions. "Errol Flynn and tights are always a good combination."--So true:) I would never have thought of Kerr, but you're right! And Alice Brady's Hortense. Oh yes, horrible, horrible advice:) Your mother's picture is amazing. And I love that your great-aunt got to meet so many interesting people...What stories she must have had! Looking forward to your blogathon entries. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer the questions, and for writing content it's such a pleasure to read.

    1. You're too sweet. Aunt Kay certainly has an interesting past; I hope to sit down with her soon and compile stories for a blog post. Thanks again!

  2. Aww that was such an interesting reading! Thanks so much for nominating me also dear. :)
    And how lucky you are to have a typewriter!

    1. Thank you! And you absolutely deserve it! :)

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! I really appreciate it!! :) I also watch Fred & Ginger movies when I'm feeling blue, especially Follow the Fleet for some reason (I have no idea why!) They are instant pick-me-ups :) And I loved your answer for number 8, lol! She knew what she was doing, indeed!!

    1. Follow the Fleet is amazing! I went through a phase where I had to watch it for two weeks straight--not a bad habit, if you ask me.
      Your nomination is well-deserved, trust me! :)

  4. Thank you for the nomination, I have FINALLY finished the questions! Wow, you gave me a lot to think about! Your answers were a fun read! Congrats on your award as well, I enjoy reading your posts!
    -Take Care
    Summer Reeves

    1. Well, thank you! I can't wait to read your responses. In fact, I'll go do that right now. :)


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