Announcing the Rock Hudson Blogathon!

A gorgeous, underrated talent, Rock Hudson has been unfairly overlooked for many years. The man was always more than what people reduce him to -- more than his tragic death from AIDS, more than his sex comedies with Doris Day, and more than a closeted gay man. With all that in mind, Crystal of In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood and I have decided to collaborate again to celebrate lovely Mr. Hudson, and just in time for his 93rd birthday, too! The guidelines are pretty simple: You can write about anything relating to Rock: his films, his TV work ( I Love Lucy, Dynasty, McMillan and Wife , etc.), his partnerships with such great women as Doris Day or Dorothy Malone... whatever you'd like! Leave a comment with your topic(s) on this post or on Crystal's announcement post or email Crystal at -- don't forget to include your blog's name and URL! Although we'd love a wide variety of topics to be covered, we will not include...