The Second Van Johnson Blogathon is here!

It's that time again! For the next three days, I'll be hosting the Second Van Johnson Blogathon, which is my minor way of saying thanks to Van for being such a delightful part of my life as a classic film fan. I can say without hesitation that Van is one of my very favorite actors, and I'm thrilled that so many bloggers have decided to join this event to help celebrate the man and his 102nd birthday.

To the entries!

I start things off with Van Johnson: A Tribute.

The Midnite Drive-In reviews one of Van's most critically-lauded films, Battleground (1949).

Realweegiemidget Reviews finds Van wonderful in Divorce American Style (1967).

Caftan Woman discusses one of Van's early TV roles with the Zane Grey Theater episode "Deadfall."

Dubsism stops by with his feature Sports Analogies Hidden in Classic Movies: The Caine Mutiny.

Champagne for Lunch gives us a double dose of Van with his work in Scene of the Crime (1949) and The Big Hangover (1950).

MovieRob's first entry looks at Van as President Garfield in The Price of Power (1969).

Old Hollywood Films discusses Van's hilarious, villainous turn as the Minstrel on Batman.

Back to Golden Days explores the magnificent teaming of Van and June Allyson.

MovieRob returns with a review of the western The Siege at Red River (1954).

Critica Retro writes about one of Van's lesser-known films, Wives and Lovers (1963).

Musings of a Classic Film Addict brings to the party one of the most important films in Van's career, A Guy Named Joe (1943).

For his last entry, MovieRob writes about Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944), another war film Van made with Spencer Tracy.

Retro Movie Buff brings the romance with Miracle in the Rain (1956).

Movies Meet Their Match delivers the blogathon's grand finale with Brigadoon (1954).

Thank you to all of the participants and readers!

P.S. Shameless self-promotion: in case you hadn't heard, I'll be hosting another birthday blogathon in October for the fabulous Ms. Rita Hayworth, who would have been 100! You can click here for the details.

P.S.S. Check back here on the 28th... there might be a fun new event that I just might be co-hosting with In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood...


  1. Hi Michaela! I loved this film and loved Van as Big Al - as a Van film fan what do you recommend next... btw talking Johnson not Van Dyke!

    1. Ooooh, there are so many goodies! I personally adore his films with Esther Williams -- they're a lot of silly fun. In the Good Old Summertime with Judy Garland is great, too. If you want something more serious, his work in A Guy Named Joe and The Caine Mutiny is quite popular. I'm also partial to the Civil War drama The Romance of Rosy Ridge, which was Janet Leigh's film debut.

    2. Thanks! And thanks for such a fun blogathon wouldn't have discovered this film otherwise!

    3. You're very welcome!

      By the way, I'll be announcing another blogathon on the 28th that I think you'd enjoy... :)

    4. OOH! Sounds intriguing.... expect lots of hits from Finland til you publish it!!! (I will try to stick to my original choice this time round... but how hard will that be??)

  2. Here's an early TV role:

  3. ...And the sports guy weighs in...

  4. Happy Van day! Here's my post:

    1. Happy Van day, indeed! Looking forward to reading your post!

  5. Here's my article about Van's Batman appearance for Old Hollywood Films

    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Hi, Michaela! My entry is now up:

    Thanks for hosting. :)

  7. Here it is, Wives and Lovers:

  8. Here's my post on A Guy Named Joe! Thank you so much for hosting, and I hope we can celebrate Van's birthday again next year!

    1. Thanks! And you can definitely count on Van being celebrated again next year! :)

  9. Hello Michaela, my post is up at last: Sorry it's late and thanks for hosting!

  10. I am so, so, sorry this is late! I don't know what is wrong with me.

    1. Oh, wonderful! Glad you were still able to participate!


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