The Sunshine Blogger Award

Last week, I was completely surprised to receive an award I was lucky to get twice in 2016: the Sunshine Blogger Award. Realizing that she had missed her own 2016 nomination, Gill over at Realweegiemidget Reviews decided to retroactively respond to the award and has graciously passed it on to me and ten other bloggers. Gill is always one of the first people to sign up for my blogathons and she has been a great supporter of my blog for a while now, so it's very much appreciated! The rules of the award are as follows: - Answer the 11 questions posed by the blog that nominated you. - Nominate 11 other blogs. - Ask 11 questions of my own for my nominees to answer. Unfortunately, because I'm starting work on my master's thesis and prior commitments, I just don't have the time to complete all of the award's rules. (I also never seem to have luck when it comes to nominating others.) However, I still tried to answer Gill's questions, which I hope will...