The Janet Leigh Blogathon is here!

It's time to celebrate one of classic Hollywood's most underrated actresses: the incredible, gorgeous Janet Leigh! For the next three days, myself and a dozen other bloggers will be paying tribute to this delightful woman -- and just in time for her July 6th birthday, too.

Bloggers, please send me your links as soon as possible and I'll link to them as fast as I can. I'm not a big social media person, so if you could please spread the word about this event, that would be so lovely of you!

P.S. If you're interested in joining another blogathon, my annual Van Johnson event is fast approaching!

Caftan Woman | Columbo episode "Forgotten Lady"

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Circle of Fear episode "Death's Head"

The Wonderful World of Cinema | The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

The Stop Button | Hello Down There (1969)

Taking Up Room | Little Women (1949)

The Midnite Drive-In | Jet Pilot (1957)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Scaramouche (1952)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | Safari (1956)

Thoughts All Sorts | Psycho (1960)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Film Fashion Fridays series: Leigh's white dress from Angels in the Outfield (1951)

Critica Retro | Pete Kelly's Blues (1955)

Overture Books and Film | My Sister Eileen (1955)

Musings of a Classic Film Addict | The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947)

Happy birthday, Janet!


  1. Here's my piece on Columbo, Forgotton Lady:

  2. Hi Michaela, heres my post for the blogathon..

  3. Here is my article on The Manchurian Candidate, Michaela! :D Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Posted. Wow, not a good choice.

  5. I don't have a comment but I don't find another way to contact Michaela. I love this blog but wonder if it is possible to get the email with a link to the site. A brief description of the topic could be included with just one or two images, instead of the many images that are now within the email.

    1. Hi, Flo! I wish I could fix this, but unfortunately Blogger doesn't seem to give me an option to change how the emails look. I just subscribed to my blog using a different email address, so once I publish my post for my Janet Leigh blogathon tonight or tomorrow, I should get the same email you're getting and I can better help you out. Sorry for the inconvenience! There are many things that frustrate me about Blogger and this is just another one to add to my list.

    2. Thanks for your reply Michaela. The email for this Janet Leigh blogathon had just a few images so it was Ok. But others have many images with one in February that contained images for 25 movies or star biographies with many images for each. In fact, there are so many images for each movie that it is almost like watching the movie without sound. The total number of images in this one email was 968 (I counted them). I'm fine if there isn't a way to not include the images but let me know if that changes. Thanks again.

    3. So, I published a new post over an hour ago and still haven't received the email (maybe it'll come in the morning), but I should say that including a lot of images is something I like to do. I feel like it best illustrates what I'm writing about, and when I love a film, I enjoy sharing many images from it. That being said, that February post you described wasn't something I did (I went back and checked), and I have never published anything that has had 968 images. I've included over 100 images before, but never anything over 200 because I recognize how excessive that is, haha.

      I'm wondering if Blogger is withholding my posts and sending you multiple ones at a time in a single email...? I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. :(

    4. I hope I haven't given the impression that I don't enjoy the images. I enjoy them very much along with your insightful comments. This is a great blog that I'm so glad I found. It's really not a problem that the images are included in the email. I can just delete the email after I've read it. Problem solved. :(

    5. Oh, you're fine! I just felt bad that Blogger seemed to be doing something weird with the emails. I'm very happy to have you as a reader and thank you for your kind words. :)

    6. One last comment: If possible, you might consider including your email address on your profile so that comments like mine that are off topic can be presented to you directly. I see I chose the wrong ) last time. I meant it to be a smile. :)

    7. Yes, I'll take that into consideration!


    Jet Pilot review

  7. Hello Michaela! Here is my entry for the blogathon, which I wrote with great pleasure. Thanks so much for hosting!! :-D

  8. Hi there. Here's my post:
    Thanks for getting me to finally watch this movie. It was long overdue.

    1. Thanks, I can't wait to read your thoughts on it!

  9. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my article for the blogathon: I wrote about one of her costumes in "Angels in the Outfield" from 1951. I hope your blogathon has been a great success so far!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I'm just now getting around to reading everyone's posts and it's been wonderful. :)

  10. Here it is my post I hope everybody likes it:

  11. Here is my post on My Sister Eileen and thanks for letting me be apart of this blogathon!

  12. Hi, Michaela! So sorry for the slight delay in my post! Here's my review of The Romance of Rosy Ridge:

    Thanks as always for being such an exceptional host! I can't wait for the Van blogathon!

    1. No worries! I'm just glad you were still able to participate. :)

  13. It is true that that Janet Leigh is underrated. She is incredibly beautiful. There is a very old series named “Tales of the Unexpected’. She starred in it. Have you watched it?

    1. I haven't, but you have me intrigued! Janet has become one of my absolute favorites lately, so I'll have to remember to check this series out.


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