Announcing the Fourth Annual Doris Day Blogathon!

For those of you who are regular readers (hi!), you know that for almost two years now, I've been drowning in grad school work. Every semester has been an enormous struggle, especially with two part-time jobs, and now I'm in the thesis-writing portion of my degree. So, my brain has been hopelessly scrambled for the past month -- there was honestly one week where I couldn't even put a full sentence together whenever I talked to someone -- and I'm definitely still not able to write for this blog as much as I used to. That being said, I couldn't imagine not doing my annual Doris Day blogathon. This year will be the fourth edition, and tragically the first one since Doris's passing last May. I'm still heartbroken that we lost this lovely human being, but I'm more than happy to continue this yearly tradition of celebrating her life and all the beautiful things she did with it. The rules are the same as they have been: you can write about anything...