Announcing the Fourth Annual Doris Day Blogathon!

For those of you who are regular readers (hi!), you know that for almost two years now, I've been drowning in grad school work. Every semester has been an enormous struggle, especially with two part-time jobs, and now I'm in the thesis-writing portion of my degree. So, my brain has been hopelessly scrambled for the past month -- there was honestly one week where I couldn't even put a full sentence together whenever I talked to someone -- and I'm definitely still not able to write for this blog as much as I used to.

That being said, I couldn't imagine not doing my annual Doris Day blogathon. This year will be the fourth edition, and tragically the first one since Doris's passing last May. I'm still heartbroken that we lost this lovely human being, but I'm more than happy to continue this yearly tradition of celebrating her life and all the beautiful things she did with it.

The rules are the same as they have been: you can write about anything relating to Doris -- her films, her music, her personal life, her work with animals, her role as a style icon, the list goes on! I also won't limit how many posts you want to do.

Because there is so, so much you can write about, I'd prefer no duplicates. Sorry, all, it's first come, first serve.

You can post on any of the three days of the blogathon, or you can post early! I only ask that you be sure to send me your link and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Now grab a banner (not going to lie, I went the lazy route with these), spread the word, and I'll see you in April!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Doris Day Favorites
Back to Golden DaysThe Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
DubsismSports Analogies Hidden in Classic Movies: With Six, You Get Eggroll (1968)
Box Office Poison | Send Me No Flowers (1964)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The Winning Team (1952) and a Film Fashion Friday entry on one of Doris's costumes
Taking Up Room | Romance on the High Seas (1948)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Tea for Two (1952)
Second Sight CinemaPlease Don't Eat the Daisies (1960)
Movies Meet Their Match | Young at Heart (1954)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Do Not Disturb (1965)
Musings of an Introvert | That Touch of Mink (1962)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Pillow Talk (1959)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Doris's life story and Julie (1956)
Rick's Real/Reel Life A Latter Day Doris Day Fan 'Fesses Up!
MovieRob | Caprice (1967), The Glass Bottom Boat (1965), and The Tunnel of Love (1958)
Are You Thrilled | a personal piece about the author's mother and her perspective on Pillow Talk
Critica Retro | Billy Rose's Jumbo (1962)


  1. Hi, Michaela!
    Can I please write about "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (1956)?

  2. I would like to contribute an installment of my series "Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies" for Doris Day's 1968 "With Six, you Get Egg Roll."

    BTW, I did not know you were in graduate school...been there, done that. Best of luck because I know the struggle :)

    1. Awesome, thanks for joining! And thanks for the luck -- I'll need it for this last semester, that's for sure.

    2. Gill from RealWeegieMidgetReviews is telling me she can't leave comments on your site. She wants to join with Pillow Talk.

    3. Weird! Thanks for helping her out. I hope no one else is having that problem. :(

  3. I'm new to blogging but not to Doris Day. Love her! Can I join in with a post about Send Me No Flowers?

    1. Definitely! Welcome to blogging, by the way! Hopefully I got your blog name right on the roster above, but please let me know if I need to amend it. :)

  4. Dear Michaela,

    Thank you for hosting this great event again! I would love to participate. I would like to review a film with Doris Day, "The Winning Team" from 1952, and write another article about some costume which she wore in a film. Is that alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  5. Hi Michaela, sorry but going to have to withdraw from this blogathon as got another one at the same time. Also love you to join this if you have the time...

    Hope all good with you, Gill x

    1. Sorry to lose you, Gill! Although I absolutely adore Vincent, those dates are exactly when I'll be submitting my thesis and I'm just not confident that I can handle another blogathon on top of my Doris Day one in April. I'll let you know if things change, though!

  6. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to do "Romance on the High Seas," please. :-)

  7. First Doris Day Blogathon without Doris :(( Could I write about Tea For Two, please? :D
    Here's the link to my blog:

    1. I know, I'm still so sad about her passing. :(

      Thanks for joining, Virginie!

  8. Hi Michaela,

    Would love to honor our dear departed Doris with Please Don’t Eat the Daisies.

    She was one of the great natural talents, could do it all. She totally deserves an annual celebration!

    Thank you for hosting...

    1. It's yours! Thanks for joining us!

      I love doing this blogathon every year. Doris was just the best and I'm always happy to honor her with this event!

  9. Hey, Michaela!

    I would love to join, but I've been wracking my brain for what to do and I can't figure it out yet. So, would you put me as to be decided until then? Thanks!

    MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match

    1. Certainly! Can't wait to hear what you decide on!

    2. I have finally found one available for me to watch! Can I do Young at Heart (1954)?

    3. Love that film! Glad you were able to find a topic!

  10. Hi, Michaela! You know I can never resist signing up for this blogathon! Can you put me down for Do Not Disturb (1965) this year for Musings of a Classic Film Addict? Thank you!

    1. Absolutely! Thanks for joining (and for bringing Rod Taylor to the party)!

  11. Hi! I would love to write for My Touch of Mink (1962). I almost thought Midnight Lace, but it's hard to argue with Cary Grant. ;)

    Musings of an Introvert at

    1. Ohhh, I understand that! :)

      Thanks for joining!

  12. Hi there, Hope all well with you. Can you please readd me with Pillow Talk?

  13. Replies
    1. I would prefer new posts, but I'm realizing that I didn't specify that in the announcements, so I'll accept previously published posts with one of my banners added to it. :)

    2. Sounds fine, mine is: A Latter Day Doris Day Fan 'Fesses Up! (basically how I came to admire her and an overview of her career). Thanks, Rick

    3. Ohhh, interesting! Thanks for joining!

  14. Hi Michaela. My apologies for being late to the party, but I wanted to make sure I had time before committing myself. Can I do a life story on Doris Day? Also, I have a half written post in my drafts on "Julie" ( 1956 ) that I'd like to contribute as well?

    1. Sounds great! I'll add you with both topics, Crystal.

  15. Hi Michaela,

    Can I do Caprice (1967), The Glass Bottom Boat (1965) and The Tunnel of Love (1958)



    1. Definitely! I had actually just changed my topic last night from Caprice to something else since I won't have time to do the post I was originally planning -- glad to see it's still going to be part of the blogathon. It's a polarizing one, so I'm interested to read your thoughts!


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