Announcing the Esther Williams Blogathon!

First of all, if you subscribe to my blog (thank you!) or check in regularly, you might have noticed that this post was accidentally published yesterday before I had finished it and I didn't realize it until a full day had gone by. *face palm* Obviously my brain is still a bit scattered, even though -- drum roll, please -- I'm finally finished with my master's! I can't tell you how relieved and relaxed I've felt the past few weeks. It just further confirms for me that grad school is not something I'll be doing again, although I am really proud of one result from it: my thesis on Esther Williams. As many of you are aware, Esther is very dear to me, and writing about her in such an extensive way was a dream, albeit a very stressful, anxiety-ridden dream. Despite that, it made me appreciate Esther even more and so I've decided to do something a few people have encouraged me to do in the past: host a blogathon dedicated to Hollywood's favorite mer...