Sunshine Blogger Award 2020

Once again, I have been graciously nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, this time by one of my favorite bloggers, Brittaney! If you haven't visited her lovely site The Story Enthusiast before, do yourself a favor and check it out!

The rules of the award are as follows:
- Answer the 11 questions posed by the blog that nominated you.
- Nominate 11 other blogs.
- Ask 11 questions of your own for your nominees to answer.

As I've said before, I truly have no luck when it comes to nominating other blogs, but I'm happy to answer Brittaney's questions! I also still came up with 11 of my own questions, which I've answered in lieu of my nominees answering.

What British or international film would you recommend to a friend who has never seen one?

It depends on the friend, but I'd say The Red Shoes or The Third Man. Oh, or Amélie if I don't think they'd be receptive to a classic film.

 Which classic film director do you prefer and what is your favorite of their films?

Hitchcock all the way! It's hard to pick a favorite from him, but I'd say Rear Window.

Which character actor or actress do you think would have made a great lead?

This is a tough one! I'm not sure if Eve Arden qualifies as a character actress, but I always love her work... The only other name that comes to mind is Ian Hunter. He's downright swoon-worthy as Hedy Lamarr's married beau in Come Live with Me.

What child actor do you believe should have had success as an adult but didn’t?

There are a few, but I'll say Bobby Driscoll. He is incredible in So Goes My Love, The Window, and The Happy Time, plus he was the model and voice of Peter Pan in Disney's 1953 animated classic. Once he hit puberty, though, Disney cancelled Driscoll's contract and he couldn't find roles, causing him to turn to drug abuse. He sadly died just weeks after turning 31. I can only imagine the great work he would've done if his career had continued.

What film do you love, but dislike the ending?

There are two films that immediately popped into my head, and that's only because I remember being devastated when I first saw them: Vertigo and Roman Holiday. I can accept these endings now, but it honestly took me a few years. What can I say? I'm a girl who loves a happy ending.

Whose onscreen wardrobe do you covet and would like to claim for your own?

I've said this before, but Ginger Rogers's from Carefree. I don't have the body for it by any means, but I'm still dying to have it. Luckily, one of my favorite artists, Kate Gabrielle, makes a shirt that mimics one of the best designs from Ginger's wardrobe, so I at least have some semblance of that piece in my closet.

Which original film do you think could be improved as a remake and who would you cast?

This is the question I've struggled with the most. When I watch a film and I don't like it, I tend to kind of push it out of my brain so I can focus more on the films that I enjoy.

This doesn't quite answer the question, but the only movie that I can think of at the moment is Duchess of Idaho, starring Esther Williams and Van Johnson. I actually love this film as is, but it does make me sad that Paula Raymond and John Lund's parts were originally Janet Leigh's and Ricardo Montalban's. Janet and Ricardo would've added so much more charisma, and it would have been fantastic to see Esther and Janet play best friends.

Which classic film actor or actress do you think would be successful in today’s film industry?

So many! Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Audrey Hepburn, Jean Arthur, Jimmy Stewart, Katharine Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Stanwyck... I think a lot of old Hollywood stars have a timeless quality and unique personas that would translate well to modern audiences. Just another reason why more people should give classic films a chance!

What film trope do you never tire of seeing?

This might be more of a TV trope, but the "will-they-or-won't-they" couple is something I always enjoy. This is also super specific to classic Hollywood, but I love the glamour actors have on film -- the way they wake up with a full face of perfect make-up, how their hair stays consistently beautifully coiffed, all of it. I know it isn't at all realistic, but to me that's part of the magic of it and I wouldn't expect anything less from the studio era.

If you could adapt a piece of classic literature that has not yet been made into a film, what book would you choose and who would you cast in the main roles?

I really can't think of an answer for this one. Sorry!

Which of today’s modern actors or actresses do you think would have been successful in classic films and why?

I've often thought that Cary Elwes would have been perfect for classic Hollywood. He reminds me so much of Errol Flynn, but he also has this terrific sense of humor and cheekiness, like William Powell.

Cate Blanchett would have been great, too! But then again, she is great at literally everything she does.


My questions (feel free to comment below what your responses would be!):

Favorite comedic Cary Grant role?

Why did I do this to myself... My first thought was The Philadelphia Story, but I'd argue his work there is equally dramatic, so I'll pick The Awful Truth.

Which Powell: Eleanor, William, or Dick?

I love them all, but 100% Bill Powell. Adorable, debonair, hilarious, a little quirky, completely original -- what more could you want?

Which Joan: Crawford, Blondell, or Fontaine?

This is a tougher choice, especially since I threw Blondell into the mix... I'm going with my gut: Fontaine. She was instrumental in my classic film beginnings and she still holds a special place in my heart.

Favorite at-home movie snack?

My mom thinks this is super bizarre, but I love to alternate between Junior Mints and Cheez-Its. I love Junior Mints, but they can be a bit much on their own, so I'll eat a few Cheez-Its in between mints. In my opinion, the saltiness cuts through the mints' sweetness perfectly.

What is one film you could watch on repeat for days on end and never get tired of?

Sabrina! I already know it by heart, but I could easily watch it every day and still feel completely enchanted.

Current TV show you're binge-watching?

Medical Center! After hearing Kate Gabrielle rave about it on social media and seeing her gorgeous gifs of Chad Everett, I finally bought the first two seasons and it's been one of my respites for the past few months. I can't believe how progressive this show was, and it is one of the best-directed TV series I've seen. Plus, how can anyone resist Chad Everett?

Who was Gene Kelly's best partner?

It's not an original answer, but it's the one I feel is right: Cyd Charisse.

Who is one classic Hollywood actor you don't actually like?

...Miriam Hopkins. And Norma Shearer. I'm sorry! They just don't do anything for me. I've tried to appreciate their work, but I just end up annoyed (Hopkins) or bored (Shearer).

What is one movie you'll defend to the death even though no one else likes it?

Can you tell I already had a film in mind when I came up with this question? I watched a great discussion on Zoom about the Beatles earlier tonight, and it reminded me that it's been a long time since I've seen Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, a delightfully weird 1978 film I've written about before. I absolutely adore this movie and I will fervently ignore anyone who claims that it's terrible.

What film deserves a sequel?

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)! I'm still holding out hope.

Favorite moviegoing experience?

In early March, right before quarantine started happening, I was able to program one of my favorite Esther Williams films, Easy to Love, at the incredible cinema I work for. It was beyond magical. Esther's films are rarely shown on the big screen, even though they're exactly the types of films that should be seen 30 feet high, so it was especially moving to share her talent with an appreciative audience.


  1. Oh my goodness, yes! to Ginger's wardrobe in Carefree. I just watched it again the other day and was coveting those clothes so hard.

    I'm so glad you chose Ian Hunter. I forget about him, but then every time I see him on screen I really like him.

    Amelie has been on my watch list forever and I also think you make a good point about Cary Elwes.

    I like your questions too. As a fan of both Cary Grant and William Powell, I totally agree with you. And I am also keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel to The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

    1. I often forget about Ian Hunter, too, so it was a miracle I remembered him for this post, haha.

      Oh, you must see Amelie! It is so adorable and life-affirming, in addition to being a beautifully made film.

      It seems like everyone is starting to realize how great The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is, so we may get that sequel yet!


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