A new year.

Hello, all! Sorry it's been crickets from me for the past few weeks -- this semester has been stressful and being on winter break was a huge relief, so much so that I wanted to step away from my laptop for a bit and just focus on my family and non-computer related interests. The downside of that is now I'm scrambling to write my entries for blogathons that have suddenly jumped up on me, which is exacerbated by my stupid disk drive deciding it doesn't want to play my DVDs and therefore blocking me from taking screenshots. Hopefully I can get it straightened out in the next day or two, but for now you can find me hitting and cursing my computer because we all know that helps things.

Since we've entered the new year, I've seen many of the blogs I follow talk about what they hope to accomplish in 2016. I did that last year and it didn't work out -- my spotlight on Ida Lupino completely fell through, and my posts on classic TV series never even made it past taking notes. I certainly learned a lot in 2015, though. I started participating in blogathons, which opened a door that brought in more traffic and introduced me to many blogs and bloggers that I enjoy immensely. I also increased my output of posts greatly, something I'm planning on keeping up. Most exciting of all in 2016 is the possibility of studying cinema in Paris and Prague this summer. I applied for my passport on New Year's Eve and once that comes in, I'll be able to finish my other applications and a few weeks after that, I'll know if I've been accepted or not. It's sure to be an incredible experience, with four weeks in Paris learning about French cinema and four weeks in Prague learning about Czech cinema. Fingers crossed that I get it!

Thank you to everyone who made 2015 a great year for Love Letters to Old Hollywood, and here's to hoping this year will be even better.

With love and gratitude,


  1. Hi, Michaela!

    I recently came across your blog and enjoy reading your posts. I was excited to see that you're an Indiana native; I graduated from Ball State last May. Best of luck on your applications to study in Paris and Prague! :)

    -Julia, Cinema Crossroads

    1. Hi Julia! It's lovely to hear from a new reader! I'm an IU girl myself, but I've heard lots of good things about Ball State. Thanks for the wishes of luck, and thank you so much for your readership!


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