Announcing the Janet Leigh Blogathon!

Discovered at age 18 by Norma Shearer, Jeanette Morrison made her cinematic debut in 1947 in the Civil War drama The Romance of Rosy Ridge. Rechristened Janet Leigh by her dear friend and Rosy Ridge co-star Van Johnson, the actress soon became a star. With her marriage to Tony Curtis and such iconic work as Psycho, The Manchurian Candidate, and Bye Bye Birdie, Leigh created an incredible legacy.

She has also become one of my absolute favorite actresses, a dazzling woman who was much more than just Marion Crane or the mother of Jamie Lee Curtis. When it occurred to me that I hadn't seen a blogathon dedicated to her, I knew I had to fix that -- and just in time for her July 6th birthday!

The rules are simple: talk about Janet! You can discuss her films, her TV appearances, her books, or her personal life (remember to be kind, please!). All I ask is that there are no duplicates. I would love for this to be as diverse a celebration as possible. Just leave me a comment, select a banner, and I'll see you in July!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Scaramouche (1952)
Thoughts All Sorts | Psycho (1960)
The Stop Button | Hello Down There (1969)
Caftan Woman | Columbo episode "Forgotten Lady"
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Circle of Fear episode "Death's Head"
The Midnite Drive-In | Jet Pilot (1957)
Taking Up Room | Little Women (1949)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947)
Overture Books and Film | My Sister Eileen (1955)
Critica Retro | Pete Kelly's Blues (1955)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | Safari (1956)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Film Fashion Fridays series: Leigh's white dress from Angels in the Outfield (1951)


  1. I've never seen Psycho...this would be a perfect opportunity. Can I pick that one please?

    1. It's yours! Thanks for being the first participant!

  2. Can I do Hello Down There for The Stop Button?

    1. Definitely! I hadn't heard of that one until just now, but it looks very intriguing. Excited to read your thoughts!

  3. I'd like to do Columbo: Forgotten Lady, if I may.

  4. Hi Can you add me with Boardwalk (1979)? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Another film I hadn't heard of! Glad to have you join!

    2. Thanks Michaela, hadn't heard of it either but its a very good cast.

  5. Another chance at a John Wayne movie. "Jet Pilot" has her as a Soviet defector.

    1. Ever since I saw publicity stills for that movie a few years ago, I've been dying to see it. Hopefully I can catch it before the blogathon.

  6. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to review "Little Women," please.

  7. I love this idea! I've been eager to check out some of Janet's early work, so could I review her debut film, The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947) for Musings of a Classic Film Addict? Thank you!

  8. Can I write a post for My Sister Eileen (1955)? My blog is Overture Books and Film. And thank you so much!

    1. Yay, I was hoping someone would pick that film! Glad to have you join!

  9. It's the perfect opportunity for me to watch "Pete Kelly's Blues" (1955). Sign me up!
    Le from Critica Retro

  10. Hi Michaela! :) Could I write about The Manchurian Candidate? I think it's about time I discuss one of John Frankenheimer's films on my blog!

  11. Hi Michaela. I really wanted to write about "The Manchurian Candidate", and I had my eyes set on it for a while, but unfortunately its been claimed.

    1. Sorry, Crystal! I hate it when that happens. If you have another film in mind, I'd love to have you still join us!

    2. I'm either tossing up between "The Red Danube" and "Act of Violence". Tough decision.

    3. Hm, I haven't seen either of those. I've heard a lot of good things about Act of Violence. I just looked up The Red Danube and the cast is fantastic. I don't think you could go wrong with either of them!

    4. I seen "Act of Violence" very recently, and thought it was great. As for "The Red Danube", I own it on DVD. Considering that I'm absolutely obsessed with Ethel and Angie, that will be an obvious choice for me. However, I think I will go with "Act of Violence" this time. I'm still very tempted to do the other one as well, but of course, time permits.

    5. Sounds good! I know how you feel. There are at least three films of Leigh's that I'd love to cover, but I just couldn't handle that. I might have to make this an annual event!

  12. Michaela, can I just add that you make the most beautiful blogathon banners? (I assume you are the creative responsible for this pretty artwork.) As I schedule your blogathons to the Classic Movie Hub social media, your banners really stand out for me... Kellee (Marketing Director, CMH)

    1. Well, thank you! I just repurpose film posters -- there's no way I could design those beauties! -- so it kind of feels like I'm cheating, haha. But I do have fun with it. :)

    2. Trust me, not all of us are talented enough to repurpose film posters. I possess zero tech savvy. It still takes a designer eye to enhance those film posters in the right way- well done!

    3. Aw, you're very sweet. Thank you.

  13. Hi Michaela!
    Could I write about 'Safari' (1956)? :-)

  14. I just heard about this blogathon. I realize that you are hosting it the same weekend I am hosting my "Favorite Code Film Blogathon." For that reason, I understand if you can't accept my invitation to participate in my blogathon.

    I would like to participate in this blogathon with an article about one of Janet Leigh's costumes in one of the many Breen Era (1934-1954) films she made. This article would also be my entry for that week in my Film Fashion Fridays series. Is that alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Hi, Tiffany! I was just about to comment on my Van announcement that I wouldn't be able to join your event, so thank you for understanding. One of these days I hope to participate in one of your blogathons -- the timing just never seems right!

      Your topic sounds like fun. Looking forward to seeing which costume you pick!

    2. Dear Michaela,

      Thank you for your two responses! I'm looking forward to your blogathons. Hopefully you can participate in one of my events next time!

      Yours Hopefully,

      Tiffany Brannan

  15. Hi Michaela, Can I please change my post to her appearance in TV's Circle Of Fear /Ghost Story (1973). She appears in an episode called Death's Head, thanks Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews


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