Announcing the Second Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Blogathon!

The epitome of wit, sophistication, elegance, and fun, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are enduring icons whose films will never cease to delight audiences. Their solo work continues to inspire people, while their collaborations are unforgettable pieces of art. Last year, In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood's Crystal and I hosted our first Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Blogathon , and I'm thrilled to say we're bringing it back! Choosing the dates for this event was a bit tricky given our schedules, but we decided to host this on Dec. 28-30. Obviously, this is very close to Christmas and New Year's, which is why we thought it best to announce now and give people plenty of time to write their pieces. (Personally, I find the cozy glamour associated with these holidays to be more than fitting for our favorite dancing duo!) Here are our rules: 1) You can write about anything relating to Fred and Ginger: their collaborations, their other films, their TV app...