The Second Spencer Tracy & Katharine Hepburn Blogathon is here!

Doesn't it feel like just yesterday that Crystal and I announced this blogathon? I have been absolutely swamped with so many things going on in my life, I can't believe it's already time for the Second Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn Blogathon. Crystal and I can't wait to celebrate this iconic couple with our wonderful participants, so let's get this party started!

Quick heads-up, though: I'm going to try my best to comment on everyone's posts as soon as I can, but I can't guarantee how fast that'll be due to work, grad school, and other commitments. So, thanks in advance for your patience!

Screen Dreams | Woman of the Year (1942)

Caftan Woman | Keeper of the Flame (1943)

The Stop Button | Adam’s Rib (1949)

18 Cinema Lane | It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)

A Shroud Of Thoughts | The People Against O’Hara (1951)

18 Cinema Lane | One Christmas (1994)

Pale Writer | Undercurrent (1946)

Dubsism | Pat and Mike (1952)

Critica Retro | Desk Set (1957)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | Quality Street (1937)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Eight Favorite Hepburn Films

Taking Up Room | The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Vintage Genevieve | Katharine Hepburn and Fashion

Wolffian Classic Movies Digest | The African Queen (1951)

Movies Meet Their Match | The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | Spencer Tracy Double Feature: The Mountain (1956) and Broken Lance (1954)

Anybody Got A Match? | Hepburn’s legendary status with the Academy Awards

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | "Film Fashion Friday" entry on Spencer Tracy

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The African Queen (1951)

P.S. Be sure to stay tuned for another blogathon announcement from my co-host and I in a few days! Hint: it's the return of one of my favorite blogathons that we've done together, and it's about another unforgettable screen duo...


  1. Good morning. Can you believe we're at the middle of October already?
    Take it easy with your busy schedule.

    Here's "Spinner and Kate" in an intellectual thriller:

    1. I know, I wish the days would quit flying by like they are -- it's making my busy schedule seem even more hectic!

      Thanks, Paddy!

  2. Here's my contribution!

  3. Here it is my contribution:

  4. Sorry that I'm late commenting, but here is my article:

  5. Thanks for hosting. Even though I didn't get to participate this year, I enjoyed reading all the fabulous entries!

    1. Thanks, Brittaney! I'm glad to hear it. Hopefully if we do this again next year, you'll be able to join us. :)


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