Announcing the Second Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Blogathon!

The epitome of wit, sophistication, elegance, and fun, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are enduring icons whose films will never cease to delight audiences. Their solo work continues to inspire people, while their collaborations are unforgettable pieces of art. Last year, In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood's Crystal and I hosted our first Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Blogathon, and I'm thrilled to say we're bringing it back!

Choosing the dates for this event was a bit tricky given our schedules, but we decided to host this on Dec. 28-30. Obviously, this is very close to Christmas and New Year's, which is why we thought it best to announce now and give people plenty of time to write their pieces. (Personally, I find the cozy glamour associated with these holidays to be more than fitting for our favorite dancing duo!)

Here are our rules:

1) You can write about anything relating to Fred and Ginger: their collaborations, their other films, their TV appearances/specials, their fashion... whatever you'd like! Leave a comment with your topic(s) on this post or on Crystal's announcement post. You can also email Crystal at Don't forget to include your blog's name and URL!

2) Since there are SO MANY topics to choose from, we are accepting two duplicates, so be sure to check the roster before leaving a comment.

3) We would prefer no more than three entries per person.

4) Please submit new material and not previously published posts.

5) Be respectful! We're here to celebrate these icons, not tear them down.

After claiming your topic, go ahead and grab a banner, and please help us spread the word!

Topics taken the maximum number of times:
Swing Time
Kitty Foyle
Top Hat

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Kitty Foyle (1940) and a personal tribute to Fred
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Stage Door (1937) and TBD
Maddy Loves Her Classic Films | a tribute to Fred & Ginger
Poppity Talks Classic Film | The Sky's the Limit (1943) and Swing Time (1936)
Pale Writer | Daddy Long Legs (1955)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Swing Time (1936)
Caftan Woman | Professional Sweetheart (1933)
Screen Dreams | Top Hat (1935)
The Story Enthusiast | Forever Female (1953)
Crítica Retrô | Kitty Foyle (1940)
Silver Screenings | Top Hat (1935)
Movies Meet Their Match | Monkey Business (1952)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Having Wonderful Time (1938)
The Classic Movie Muse | The Man in the Santa Claus Suit (1979)


  1. It looks like my (alleged?) earlier post didn't take. Must have pushed the wrong button. I'd like to offer something on Ginger in Professional Sweetheart.

    1. I thought it strange we hadn't heard from you! Nice to have you with us, Paddy!

  2. Hi Michaela! Can I write about Top Hat (1935)?

    1. Certainly! That's my favorite films of theirs, so I look forward to your post!

  3. I'm glad this event is back! I'll go after you and also wirte about Kitty Foyle, a film I have here and haven't watched yet.
    Le from Crítica Retrô

    1. It's such a good film! I can't wait to finally write about it. Thanks for joining us!

  4. Hi Michaela, I'd love to do Top Hat if a second blogger hasn't snapped it up already.

    Also: Congrats on joining the CMBA! Great news! :)

    1. As far as I know it's yours! Glad to have you join, Ruth.

      Thanks! I had tried to join a few years ago, so it was nice that things worked out this time.

  5. Hey, Michaela!
    Last time I reviewed a movie just with Fred, so now I'd like to do one just with Ginger! I'd like Monkey Business (1952), please.

    MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match

  6. Sorry but going to have to withdraw from this blogathon. Hope you have a happy Christmas, from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Sorry to hear this, Gill! Wishing you a merry Christmas as well!

    2. Thanks Michaela, holding one next year on James Garner if you'd like to join.

    3. I do really love James Garner, but I want to wait and see how my master's thesis is coming along in January before I commit to your February event. :)

  7. Hi Michaela, I'd love to join your blogathon! I'm writing a series on my blog for the month of December and if it's ok with you I'd like to write about Fred in The Man in the Santa Claus Suit (1979) as the last entry in my series. My blog is The Classic Movie Muse at

  8. Hi Michaela, I've posted my entry here:
    Looking forward to learning more about Fred and Ginger!

    1. Thanks, Ruth! It's going to be a wonderful three days, that's for sure. :)

  9. Hi Michaela.
    Hope you're well and had a good Christmas. Here's my piece.


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