A Compilation of Doris Day Favorites

As per usual, my plans for a post have been derailed by grad school. God, I cannot wait to be done with school in May. In the meantime, I'm slowly losing my mind and I have practically no free time, which is why I had to change my topic for my Doris Day blogathon. I knew I couldn't commit to doing any kind of review or really anything that required a lot of brain power, so I'm taking the easy way out: I've put together a random collection of my Doris Day favorites. It's not a remarkable piece by any stretch of the imagination, but I am just so exhausted from life right now and I couldn't let Doris's birthday go by without honoring her in some small way. _______________________________ Five Favorite Songs "Pillow Talk" As soon as I heard this title tune play over the opening credits of Doris's 1959 classic, I knew I would love the film. It is so catchy and bouncy and fun. Every time I hear it, I find myself singing along and doing ...