A Compilation of Doris Day Favorites

As per usual, my plans for a post have been derailed by grad school. God, I cannot wait to be done with school in May. In the meantime, I'm slowly losing my mind and I have practically no free time, which is why I had to change my topic for my Doris Day blogathon. I knew I couldn't commit to doing any kind of review or really anything that required a lot of brain power, so I'm taking the easy way out: I've put together a random collection of my Doris Day favorites. It's not a remarkable piece by any stretch of the imagination, but I am just so exhausted from life right now and I couldn't let Doris's birthday go by without honoring her in some small way.

Five Favorite Songs

"Pillow Talk"
As soon as I heard this title tune play over the opening credits of Doris's 1959 classic, I knew I would love the film. It is so catchy and bouncy and fun. Every time I hear it, I find myself singing along and doing a little dance.

"I'll See You In My Dreams"
When Doris passed away last year, I was so heartbroken. For two months, I had to surround myself with her films and her music, but there was one song I kept coming back to: Gus Kahn's gorgeous "I'll See You In My Dreams." Ray Heindorf's divine arrangement complements Doris's breathtaking vocal marvelously, imbuing this piece with swooning romance and warmth. I still feel her loss all the time, but this song comforts me in a way I could never explain.

"I Know That You Know"
Ever since I heard Jane Powell and Vic Damone sing this song in Hit the Deck, I've been obsessed with it. Doris's fast-paced version is adorable, and the accompaniment of the Page Cavanaugh Trio and Gene Nelson is the cherry on top. I have to admit, though, that I almost put "I Love the Way You Say Goodnight," another duet with Nelson, in this place instead. They're both just so delightful!

"It All Depends on You"
When I first started collecting records, the soundtrack for Love Me or Leave Me was one of my first purchases. Although I had seen and enjoyed the film beforehand, I don't think I realized how incredible the soundtrack was until I listened to it in isolation from the film. It has to be one of the finest records Doris ever recorded, and "It All Depends on You" is one of its best songs. Backed by just a piano, Doris's emotionally vulnerable vocal performance is beyond beautiful.

"Would I Love You"
Harry James + Doris Day = pure bliss.


Fave Soundtrack

This was a little tough, but I got to go with the soundtrack for Young Man with a Horn. I adore Harry James, and the perfection of the song selection is matched only by Doris's terrific singing. You can literally hear her smile on such tunes as "Pretty Baby" and "I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're Wonderful)," while others like "The Man I Love" and "With a Song in My Heart" are achingly romantic. I love this album so much that I actually have to be careful how much I listen to it, just so I don't get sick of it. (If that's even possible!)

Favorite Leading Man

While I would love to be original and say Rod Taylor or James Garner or James Cagney, we all know who it is. Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, and Send Me No Flowers make it clear that Rock Hudson was absolutely the best partner Doris could have asked for, and the stories of their offscreen friendship never fail to make me melt. You can read more about my appreciation of Rock here.

Favorite Film

Doris did so many lovely films throughout her career, but for me Pillow Talk just slightly edges them all out. To quote myself from a previous post I wrote about my top five Doris films:

"I love this film more than life itself. Every time I watch it, I fall in love with it all over again. The comedic antics and reactions make me laugh until my sides ache, while the romantic elements make me swoon. Pillow Talk may feel like a dirty comedy, but it has so many more layers to it. It's silly and sexy and chic and witty. Doris is such a force to be reckoned with here, but I've gotta say that Rock Hudson gives one of cinema's best comedic performances as the lying songwriter who masquerades as a naive Texan to trick Doris. His work is a revelation, with each viewing revealing more nuances."

Most Underrated Film

To lazily quote myself again from that same post:

"I've said it a hundred times before and I'll say it a hundred times again: The Pajama Game is one of the greatest musicals ever made. It is baffling to me that it is rarely discussed because it. is. so. damn. good. Stanley Donen and George Abbott's direction is great. Bob Fosse's choreography is revolutionary. The cinematography is subtly beautiful. The songs are incredible and catchy. And then there's Doris. It is heavenly to watch such a perfect marriage between actor and character. Babe Williams is a tremendous role, and Doris clearly relished it. She, and the rest of the cast, look like they are having the time of their lives, and you will, too, when you watch this film."

Ten Favorite Photos

Okay, I couldn't help it -- I had to include this snapshot of Doris with Esther!


This is my entry to my Fourth Annual Doris Day Blogathon. Please check out the other posts here!


  1. 1. Not tough at all. Young Man With a Horn is indeed one of the greatest soundtracks.

    2. Who are these people who underrate The Pajama Game? Where are they? Let me at 'em.

    3. Love the picture of Doris and June.

    4. May will be here before you know it.

    1. 1. Isn't it, though? I like the film well enough, but the music may just be the best thing about it.

      2. I'm right there with you, Paddy!

      3. Aren't they adorable? It's always great when you can find a candid shot of your favorite actors hanging out together.

      4. I hope so! I'm sure I'll be grateful I got my master's in the future, but for now I just keep moaning to my mom, "Why did I do this?"

  2. Those are really nice pictures! I really like the one where DORIS is wearing a pink coat and white gloves and shoes. The one on the beach with the ocean in the background-what is that from? CLASSIC TV FAN

    1. Thank you! I love that picture of her in the pink coat so much. And the one on the beach is from when they were filming Young at Heart.

  3. Yes, indeed, The Pajama Game is excessively cute and very fun!

    Also, I wanted to invite you to join my Lucille Ball Blogathon that I'm hosting in August. Hope you're able to join! ❤


    1. Oh, wonderful! I'll check it out. I hosted a Lucy and Desi blogathon a few years ago and haven't been able to do it again since, so I'm happy to see someone else honoring Lucy! :)

  4. That picture of Doris and Esther is so cute. And I agree with you about "Pajama Game"--it's so much fun!

    1. I love finding out what Hollywood stars were friends with each other, so I've been trying to figure out if Esther and Doris were friends because I've seen a few photos of them together, but so far I haven't gotten any real confirmation. I do know that June Allyson was good friends with both of them, so that's something!

      Thanks for reading!

  5. Hey Michaela,

    First of all thanks for sharing this amazing article,
    and I just recently start my blogging journey and I think this article can help to grow my blogging journey in 2020.


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