The Fourth Annual Doris Day Blogathon is here!

I don't know about you all, but these past few weeks have been a bizarre mixture of stress, frustration, and anxiety. Which means I'm more than ready to talk and read about Doris Day for the next three days! If there is anybody who can spread some sunshine during this time, it is definitely her.

Participants, please leave me a comment below once you are ready to submit your entry. I'll try to post them as soon as I can! And if you're running a bit late, no worries -- I'll still accept it!

The Wonderful World of Cinema | Tea for Two (1952)

Musings of an Introvert | That Touch of Mink (1962)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Doris Day Favorites

Box Office Poison | Send Me No Flowers (1964)

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Julie (1956)

Are You Thrilled | a personal piece about the author's mother and her perspective on Pillow Talk

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Film Fashion Friday: Doris's ensemble in My Dream is Yours 

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Pillow Talk (1959)

Dubsism | Sports Analogies Hidden in Classic Movies: With Six, You Get Eggroll (1968)

MovieRob | The Tunnel of Love (1958)

MovieRob | Caprice (1967)

MovieRob | The Glass Bottom Boat (1965)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The Winning Team (1952)

Taking Up Room | Romance on the High Seas (1948)

Movies Meet Their Match | Young at Heart (1954)

Critica Retro | Billy Rose's Jumbo (1962)

Happy birthday, Doris!


  1. Here is my entry Michaela! :D Thank you so much for hosting this again!

  2. Hi, Michaela, here is my entry for That Touch of Mink! :)

  3. Hi Michaela, here's my entry for Send Me No Flowers!

  4. Hi there! I was going to join last year and failed to show up with my post which is mostly written, just needs some tweaking. It is primarily Pillow Talk but not a review--it is from the perspective of my mom who has passed on and how she viewed Doris Day movies being her favorite. Can I sneak in here at the end and post it still? Thank you.

    1. Hello! I do have someone else covering Pillow Talk, but it sounds like your post might be different enough, so I'd be willing to accept it. :)

  5. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my article about a costume which Doris Day wore in her second film, "My Dream is Yours" from 1949: I will send you my second article some time tomorrow. Thank you for hosting this blogathon.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! Looking forward to receiving your next one!

  6. Hi there,

    Here's my review on Pillow Talk...

    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  7. Hello! This is a post I originally wrote for the third Doris Day blogathon but never got it in on time. I finished it today and I am happy to share it. I also watched Pillow Talk, but mine is not a review, it is from the perspective of nostalgia and family. I hope you enjoy it.

  8. My contribution is here!

  9. here are my 3 entries... sorry for my tardiness...

  10. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my second contribution to the blogathon, my review of "The Winning Team:" Thank you for hosting this. It was a lot of fun!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  11. Hi, Michaela! Here's mine. Hope it's not too late.

  12. With a little time left, here is mine! Thanks for hosting!


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