Announcing the Fifth Annual Van Johnson Blogathon!


It's time to announce the return of one of my favorite events: my Van Johnson blogathon! MGM's Golden Boy, America's Sweetheart, and the bobbysoxers' dream man, Van is one of classic Hollywood's most underrated talents, which makes me all too glad to host this annual three-day tribute to him.

The rules are simple: talk about Van. You can discuss his films, his TV appearances, his stage work, or his personal life -- just remember to be kind! Also, a topic can only be taken a maximum of two (2) times. I would love for this to be a diverse celebration of Van because he more than deserves it.

To join, please leave me a comment, select a banner below, and I'll see you in August!

Topics No Longer Available

Confidentially Connie

List of Participants:

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Six Underrated Van Films

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Superdome (1978)

Journeys in Classic Film | The Caine Mutiny (1954)

Silver Screenings | The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954)

Taking Up Room | Three Guys Named Mike (1953)

Whimsically Classic | Van's appearance on I Love Lucy

Dubsism | Battleground (1949)

Crítica Retrô | In the Good Old Summertime (1949)

KN Winiarski | Easy to Wed (1946)

Caftan Woman | Brigadoon (1954)

Champagne for Lunch | Confidentially Connie (1953)

MovieRob | Miracle in the Rain (1956), 23 Paces to Baker Street (1956), and Confidentially Connie (1953)

18 Cinema Lane | Plymouth Adventure (1952)

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Yours, Mine, and Ours (1968)


  1. I'd love to participate and cover The Caine Mutiny if possible!

    Thank you!

    Kim- Journeys in Classic Film

  2. Hi Michaela, could I do "The Last Time I Saw Paris" if not already taken yet?

  3. Hi Michaela, could I do "The Last Time I Saw Paris" if not already taken yet?
    (I'm having trouble commenting on Blogger sites tonight... -Ruth at Silver Screenings)

    1. You sure can! And your comments came through for me -- I just get a lot of spam so I now have to approve comments before they can publish. :)

  4. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to review "Three Guys Named Mike" if that's all right. :-)

    1. I would love for you to do that movie! It's one of my very favorites.

  5. Can I write about Van Johnson's appearance on "I Love Lucy" ?

    1. You most certainly can! I adore that episode.

  6. I’d love to write about In the Good Old Summertime for the blogathon!
    Le from Crítica Retrô

  7. Love you to join...

  8. Hi! I'd love to participate again and I'm going to pick one of Van's movies that I haven't seen yet - Easy to Wed!

    1. Good choice! That's a fun one. Thanks for joining!

  9. I would like to contribute a piece on Brigadoon for the blogathon.

    1. Yay! So pleased that that film will be part of this event. Thanks for joining, Paddy!

  10. I'm in love with these banners *_* can you put me down for Confidentially Connie (1953)?

    1. Absolutely! And thank you! I went super lazy on the banners this year (hence why there are only two), but I really liked how they turned out.

  11. Can I do:

    Miracle in the Rain (1956)
    23 Paces to Baker Street (1956)
    Confidentially Connie (1953)

  12. Hi Michaela! May I join this event again by reviewing 'Plymouth Adventure'?

  13. Hi Michaela,

    Here's my Superdome post;

    Hope all is good with you

    Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews


    Here's my post about "The Dancing Star"

    Whimsically Classic

  15. Do you happen to know if Van Johnson did his own singing in Brigadoon? I know some of the actors were dubbed, but he had a good singing voice, and it sounds like his own.

    1. He did! Van always did his own singing and frequently did musicals when his career was more focused on the theatre in his later years.


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