Announcing the Sixth Van Johnson Blogathon!

It's time to announce the return of one of my favorite events: my Van Johnson blogathon! MGM's Golden Boy, America's Sweetheart, and the bobbysoxers' dream man, Van is one of classic Hollywood's most underrated talents, which makes me all too glad to host this annual three-day tribute to him.

The rules are simple: talk about Van. You can discuss his films, his TV appearances, his stage work, or his personal life -- just remember to be kind! Also, a topic can only be taken a maximum of two (2) times. I would love for this to be a diverse celebration of Van because he more than deserves it.

To join, please leave me a comment, select a banner below, and I'll see you in August!

List of Participants

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Van's appearances in fan magazines

Whimsically Classic | Van's friendship with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

The Stop Button | Battleground (1950)

Make Mine Noir | Scene of the Crime (1949)

18 Cinema Lane | In the Good Old Summertime (1949)

Critica Retro | Three Guys Named Mike (1953)

Taking Up Room | Killer Crocodile (1989)


  1. Can I write about Van Johnson and his history/friendship with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz?

  2. Hi Michaela, can you add me with Van in Concorde Affaire '79 please?

  3. Hi! Can I do Battleground for the Stop Button?

  4. I'm having some trouble with the Internet these last few days, so I'll try this request a second time. I would like to write about Scene of the Crime (1949) for your blogathon. Would that work?
    Make Mine Film Noir

    1. Great choice! And the problem was probably my comment moderation. I have a big issue with spam, so no comments will appear on here unless I approve them.

      Thanks for joining!

  5. Hi Michaela! I'd like to join the blogathon by reviewing 'In the Good Old Summertime'!

  6. I'm glad this event is back! Could I write about Three Guys Named Mike, please?
    Le from Crítica Retro (

    1. Ah, I almost missed your comment, Le! Sorry about that!

      I would LOVE to have you cover that film. Thanks for joining!

  7. Hi, Michaela! I was wondering if I could write about "Killer Crocodile" for Taking Up Room? I'm sure Van's part is really small, but it looks oddly interesting.

    1. I don't think I've heard of that one, surprisingly! Looking forward to reading about it!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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