The Day I Was Hitched.

Five summers ago, my mom was given a DVD of TO CATCH A THIEF as a Mother’s Day present. I was just beginning my dive into the world of old films, so I figured I might as well get my hands on this movie. I remember very clearly sitting in my living room on a weekend, with the sun lighting up the room and cool breezes blowing through the screen door. I had to share the room with my dad and my sister, but once the film started, I didn’t even care. It immediately had my attention because of its setting--I’ve always been fascinated with France, and since TO CATCH A THIEF was shot in the beautiful locations of southern France, I was satisfied.
And then there it was—a close-up of the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. Only a fool couldn’t have been hooked by then. It was the first time I ever laid eyes on Cary Grant—it was the first time I had even heard of him!
The next famous face I saw was one I knew: Grace Kelly. The chemistry between her and Cary was so palpable. Not to mention all the double entendres they said. It was all so incredible to me. I didn’t even care when the storyline confused me, I was still so riveted by what was happening. And then it was over. The real cat burglar was revealed by Cary. He and Grace were going to be together (along with her mother—ha!).
A lot of things happened to me that day. It made me even more in love with France. It deepened my affection for old films. It showed me that the best sex scenes have no sex. Most importantly, though, it introduced me to Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, and Alfred Hitchcock. I don’t know what it was about that film, but after I watched it, I just had to investigate this Hitchcock guy. His name was so intriguing, and obviously the guy was important enough to have his name above the film’s title. I don’t remember what Hitchcock film I saw next, or even what Cary Grant or Grace Kelly film I saw after that. In actuality, it doesn’t really matter, because TO CATCH A THIEF opened my eyes to so much. It’s not Hitchcock’s best film. I will readily agree to that. But it’s definitely one of the more important films in my life, and I will forever be grateful for it.
With love,


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