The simplest thing you'll read all day.

Alright, guys and gals, it's time for my world-famous flimsy post. This summer, I've decided to try and post once a week--not only does it challenge me, it's (hopefully) fun for you. I have a few things I'm excited to put up, but while I'm polishing them, I needed something simple to post and what's more simple than a photo gallery? I've collected random pictures over the past few months, and they finally came in handy. So, behold...our favorite stars drinking tea and/or coffee! (I told you it was flimsy. Also, if you're really craving for this post to make more sense, just pretend that it's for National Iced Tea Day, which is June 10th. Yes, I looked that up.)

Barbara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan on the set of Christmas in Connecticut.

William Powell and Jean Harlow.

Is Cary ever not amazingly handsome?

Danny Kaye and Grace Kelly share a cup on the set of Rear Window.

Frederic March and Miriam Hopkins on the set of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. (As if you needed an explanation.)

Just Cary, keeping it casual.

The lovely Cyd Charisse.

Don't love the smoking, but love this photo of Lauren Bacall.

The King of Hollywood himself.

I wish I could offer an explanation for this, but I can't, other than "Hey, it's Dean Martin."

Myrna Loy being her incredible self as she serves coffee for sailors during WWII.

Jack Lemmon being adorable.

Kim Novak. You're looking at her eyes, right?

Ava Gardner on the set of The Killers.

I know Garbo isn't drinking tea or coffee, but this photo was too fantastic not to include it.

Gene Kelly and unidentified others in 1952.

Rita Hayworth.

I would never describe Bette Davis as cute, but... isn't she cute?

Naturally, I had to include a photo of my wonderful Kate. I'm not sure what set she's on...maybe Quality Street?

Paul Newman.

Joan Crawford.

Love this one of Gingers Rogers, Jerome Cowan, and director Mark Sandrich during the production of Shall We Dance.

Do I really need to identify him?

Sophia Loren and Cary Grant. So cute.

Audrey and Fred during Funny Face.

Bet this one jolted you--Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's monster.

This may be my favorite--Audrey and George Peppard during Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Ingrid Bergman is so adorable.

I'd definitely have coffee with them! Rita Hayworth, Orson Welles, and Marlene Dietrich.

Charlie Chaplin.

Greg Peck.

Check out Gary Cooper's sweater!

Astaire, Vera-Ellen, and Red Skelton during Three Little Words.

Only Hitch would pose so calmly with a lion.

A very young Frank Sinatra with Judy Garland.

On the set of The Strange Love of Martha Ivers with director Lewis Milestone, Kirk Douglas, Van Heflin, and Ms. Stany.

Doris Day in costume for The Man Who Knew Too Much.

The wonderful Gene Tierney.

Great photo of Carole Lombard.

Joan Fontaine.

A young Rock Hudson.

The gorgeous Errol Flynn.

Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson on the set of Magnificent Obsession.


Jimmy Stewart and wife Gloria.

Vincente Minnelli with daughter Liza.

Hitch just has the best photos.

Fun with Tony Randall, Rock, and Doris on the set of Pillow Talk.

And because it's her birthday June 1st...

On the set of Let's Make Love. Gene Kelly had a cameo in the flick.

Hope you enjoyed my lazy post!

With love,


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