Announcing En Pointe: The Ballet Blogathon!

How lucky am I? Christina Wehner has asked me to co-host her latest blogathon, which I'm thrilled to announce just days after completing my first co-hosted event with Phyl of Phyllis Loves Classic Movies. (You can click here to check that out.) Without further ado, let me introduce you to En Pointe: The Ballet Blogathon!

As an obsessive fan of musicals, I can't tell you how excited I am to be a part of this blogathon. Ballet is such an amazing and lovely art form, and it has influenced some of my favorite people and films. If you'd like to participate, just read our rules, pick a topic, and grab one of the wonderful banners Christina's friend Andrea made!

The rules:
1) Your topic, obviously, needs to be about ballet. However, that doesn't mean it has to be a musical. It can be any film that has ballet in it, such as Waterloo Bridge where the female protagonist is a ballerina. You also have the option of talking about filmed performances of actual ballets.

And guess what? Since we're such nice hosts, we've decided that ice-skating and Esther Williams's water ballets qualify for this blogathon, so you have even more options! Our only stipulation is that if you do choose Ms. Williams or ice-skating, please keep a perspective on ballet in mind. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask us!

2) There is no time period restriction. Your topic can be from 1940 or it can be from 2017 -- whatever you want! Just please include the release year with your topic. Otherwise, when I put you down, I'll have to guess which film you mean and I may give you the wrong movie. It's just more helpful.

3) Because we'd like to have a varied, widespread celebration of ballet, we will only allow two people to cover the same topic. So, for example, if The Red Shoes has been taken by two bloggers, it's no longer available for you to grab.

UPDATE: Because of the blogathon's popularity, Christina and I have decided to extend the event until August 6th!

If you're not sure of what film(s) you would like to do, I've made up a list of some suggestions:
The Tales of Hoffmann
The Band Wagon
A Chorus Line
Invitation to the Dance
Dance, Girl, Dance
Silk Stockings
Daddy Long Legs
Million Dollar Mermaid
Bathing Beauty
Sun Valley Serenade

NOTE: The Red Shoes, Shall We Dance, and Never Let Me Go have been picked the maximum number of times and are no longer available.

List of Participants:
Into the Writer Lea | The Glass Slipper (1955)
Caftan Woman | The Mad Genius (1931)
Thoughts All Sorts | Ballerina (aka Leap!) (2016)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Black Swan (2010)
Cinematic Scribblings | The Red Shoes (1948)
Blogferatu | Black Swan (2010)
Cary Grant Won't Eat You | Center Stage (2000)
Life’s Daily Lessons Blog | Song of Scheherazade (1947)
Taking Up Room |  Save the Last Dance (2001) and An American in Paris (1951)
 Critica Retro | Never Let Me Go (1953)
An Ode to Dust | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Shall We Dance (1937)
The Movie Rat | the concept of dreams in Suspiria (1977), George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker (1993), and Billy Elliot (2000)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Hans Christian Andersen (1952)
Screen Life | The Turning Point (1977)
The Midnite Drive-In | White Nights (1985)
Charlene's (Mostly) Classic Movie ReviewsLimelight (1952)
Silver Scenes | The Unfinished Dance (1947) and Ballerina (1937) and Russian ballet films of the 1940's-1960's
Movies Silently | The Dancer’s Peril (1917)
Top 10 Film Lists | The Red Shoes (1948)
Phyllis Loves Classic Movies | Never Let Me Go (1953)
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest | Dance, Girl, Dance (1940)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Les Uns et Les Autres (1981)
The Dream Book Blog | Grand Hotel (1932)
Sat in Your Lap | On the Town (1949) and The Pirate (1948)
Anybody Got a Match? | Silk Stockings (1957)
Crimson Kimono | Exposed (1983)
Diary of a Movie Maniac | Dancers (1987)


  1. I'd love to do "Ballerina" aka "Leap" please.

    1. Great, I'll get you added shortly!

    2. Here's my entry:

      Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful Blogathon.

      As soon as the Blogathon is "live" I'll update my links to point to the relevant page.

  2. Sign me up for The Mad Genius, please.

    1. Will do! It'll be up within an hour or so.

  3. Yippee! So very excited! I am quite looking forward to reading about your ten favorite water ballets!

    1. I'm super excited, too! Should be lots of fun!

  4. Hi, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews here, can I review Black Swan (2010)

  5. Oh fun! Can I have Center Stage? (

  6. Aren't blogathons addicted? One you start, you never stop ;)
    So, add me and the movie Never Let Me Go (1953), with Clark Gable and Gene Tierney.

    1. They certainly are addictive. :)

      Good choice!

  7. I was reluctant to enter this one since I don't know squat about ballet. I don't even think I'd be interested in a movie that was a film of a ballet. But then I remembered a movie I saw in the theater back in the 80's starring the great Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines called "White Nights". The focus isn't really on ballet, per se, but Baryshnikov does play a ballet dancer. Does that one qualify?

  8. Hello! What an excellent topic for a blogathon! Would I be able to write about Limelight (1952)? Thanks!

    1. Sweet! Thanks :) It is such a beautiful film. And Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin together? Magic!!

  9. I would also like to write about Never Let Me Go (1953).

  10. i would love to review Dance, Girl, Dance.(my blog is WOLFFIAN CLASSICS MOVIES DIGEST) cant wait write about this ballet classic

  11. Hi Michaela! I wonder if I could write about the ballet scenes of Les Uns et les Autres? :)
    I'm at The Wonderful World of Cinema.

  12. Put me down for On the Town (1949) and The Pirate (1948)

  13. Hey Michaela! I was wondering if I could take Silk Stockings if isn't taken? I blog at Anybody Got a Match? (

    Thanks, again!

    1. Sure thing! I adore that film, so I'm happy that it'll be represented! Thanks for joining us!

  14. Here we go:


    Here you go! I had a fun time participating in this blogathon!


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