The Third Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn Blogathon is here!

It feels like years since Crystal and I have announced this blogathon! Between the weirdness of the world right now and my job being so overwhelming, it seems odd to say that it is now time for the Third Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn Blogathon. Crystal and I can't wait to celebrate this iconic couple with our wonderful participants, so let's get this party started!

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)

Widescreen World | Love Among the Ruins (1975)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | Sylvia Scarlett (1935)

Thoughts from the Music(al) Man | Father of the Bride (1950)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Stage Door (1937)

18 Cinema Lane | The Sea of Grass (1947)

KN Winiarski Writes | Bringing Up Baby (1938)

Taking Up Room | Adam's Rib (1949)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | Mannequin (1937)

Goosepimply All Over | Desk Set (1957)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Mary of Scotland (1936)

Here's Booking at You, Kid | Holiday (1938)

Pale Writer | Mannequin (1937)

Box Office Poisons | Desk Set (1957)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | The Iron Petticoat (1956)

Movies Meet Their Match | Adam's Rib (1949)

Whimsically Classic | Woman of the Year (1942)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Malaya (1949)

Dubsism | The African Queen (1951)


  1. Thanks for co-hosting with me again Michaela.

  2. Hi Michaela!

    I posted my link on Crystal's page but am also doing so here just in case. Plus, it is always nice to say "hello"! :-)

    Here is my first contribution to the blogathon, with my second being published tomorrow.

  3. Hi Michaela!
    Here is my post about Bringing Up Baby!

  4. Hi there, Michaela!

    Here is my second entry to the blogathon. I had such a wonderful time writing this, honestly.
    Thank you kindly for hosting!

    1. Thanks! And I'm glad you enjoyed writing it! That's always the best feeling.

  5. Here's my post on Desk Set! Thanks for hosting this great blogathon!

  6. Hi Michaela, here is my entry, finally! Thank you so much to you and Crystal for hosting1


    Here's my entry! It's still October 19 here, even though it's 9:30pm.

  8. Oh, fiddlesticks! I'm late again! I forgot that I hadn't written this until this evening, but I've got just less than 20 minutes while it's still the 19th in my time zone, so I hope that it counts. Thanks for hosting!

    1. We'll still accept entries if they're late, so no worries if you had been! :)


  9. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my review of "Malaya:" Thank you for hosting this blogathon!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan


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