Announcing the Third Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Blogathon!


UPDATE, Dec. 9: As some of you may have seen on Facebook or elsewhere, my co-host Crystal has been in the hospital for a few weeks now, where she has sadly fallen into a coma. Although I considered cancelling this blogathon, I know how much Crystal loves Fred and Ginger, and I truly want this event to be a success for her. In the meantime, please keep her and her family in your thoughts.


The epitome of wit, sophistication, elegance, and fun, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are enduring icons whose films will never cease to delight audiences. Their solo work continues to inspire people, while their collaborations are unforgettable pieces of art. For the third year, In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood's Crystal and I will be honoring these two by hosting our Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Blogathon!

Like last year, we decided to host this on Dec. 28-30. What better way to close this terrible year than with these two magical performers? Now obviously these dates are very close to Christmas and New Year's, which is why we thought it best to announce now and give people plenty of time to write their pieces. (Personally, I find the cozy glamour associated with these holidays to be more than fitting for our favorite dancing duo!)

Here are our rules:

1) You can write about anything relating to Fred and Ginger: their collaborations, their other films, their TV appearances/specials, their fashion... whatever you'd like! Leave a comment with your topic(s) on this post or on Crystal's announcement post. Don't forget to include your blog's name and URL!

2) Since there are SO MANY topics to choose from, we are accepting two duplicates, so be sure to check the roster before leaving a comment.

3) We would prefer no more than three entries per person.

4) Please submit new material and not previously published posts.

5) Be respectful! We're here to celebrate these icons, not tear them down.

After claiming your topic, go ahead and grab a banner, and please help us spread the word!

Topics taken the maximum number of times: I'll Be Seeing You

List of Participants:

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | The Barkleys of Broadway (1949)

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Primose Path (1940) and Finian's Rainbow (1968)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Ginger's appearances on Hotel, Glitter, and The Love Boat

Caftan Woman | I'll Be Seeing You (1944)

KN Winiarski Writes | Top Hat (1935)

MovieRob | TBD

Movies Meet Their Match | Funny Face (1957)

My Old Hollywood | I'll Be Seeing You (1944) and TBD

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Second Chorus (1940), Yolanda and the Thief (1945), and The Major and the Minor (1942)

Box Office Poisons | Vivacious Lady (1938)

Silver Screenings | Swing Time (1936)

Taking Up Room | Follow the Fleet (1936)

Crítica Retro | Three Little Words (1950)

18 Cinema Lane | Royal Wedding (1951) and Teenage Rebel (1956)


  1. Hello there, hope all good! Can you please add me with Fred Astaire's last film, Ghost Story (1981)? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  2. Nice idea. I'd like to join with I'll Be Seeing You, 1944.

  3. Hi, sorry just realised done quite a lot of horror recently, can you add me with his appearance in "It Takes A Thief S3E04 The Great Casino Caper" instead..

  4. Fun! I'd like to join with Top Hat please.

  5. Looking forward to this!! All of the buttons are awesome. I might change it later, but for now can I claim Funny Face (1957)? Thanks!

    MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match

    1. Thank you! I thought I'd try something different with this banner design and I'm happy with how it came out (well, for the most part, haha).

      I absolutely love Funny Face. Glad you could join us!

  6. I'd like to enter, I don't know what exactly yet, but I do have a biography of Ginger (work in progress) and some reviews of an assortment of their movies.

    1. We can put you down as TBD and you can let us know whenever you're ready what topic you'd like to do. (And please remember that we're accepting only new material!) Thanks for joining! :)

    2. I'd like to do I'll be Seeing You and a Fred/Ginger movie that is still TBD ;)

  7. Dear Michaela,

    I'm glad you're hosting this blogathon again! What a great way to end the year! The banners are lovely.

    I would love to join! May I review three films? I would like to write articles about "Second Chorus" (1940) and "Yolanda and the Thief" (1945), the last two Code Fred Astaire films I have yet to see. Also, I would like to write about one Ginger Rogers film, "The Major and the Minor." Is that alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked the banners. :)

      Of course you can do three! Those are all fabulous topics.

  8. Howdy! I'll tentatively sign up, but I haven't decided on a movie yet. :)

    1. Hi! Sorry, but I'll have to back out. I hope the blogathon has been a success!

    2. That's okay, thanks for letting me know!

    Musings of an Introvert

  10. Ooh! I love Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire (but especially Ginger)! I'd love to join and write about Vivacious Lady.

    Jess at Box Office Poisons

  11. Hi Michaela, could I do Swing Time, if not already taken?

  12. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to wrtie about Three Little Words (1950), please!
    Thank you!
    Le from Crítica Retro

  13. Hi, Michaela! I know you've got about a week until this thing starts, but Crystal said it was OK if I posted early. I hope she'll be all right.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! The updates I've been seeing on Facebook haven't been very good, sadly, but I keep sending her healing thoughts every day.

  14. Hi there Michaela,
    Here's my post for the blogathon, and if you'd like me to help out with the blogathon in anyway do get in touch... Hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a great 2021.


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