Announcing the Sixth Annual Doris Day Blogathon!


Well, long time, no see!

Life has made it hard to keep up with my blog, but I'm going to try my best to stick with my annual blogathons, including my Doris Day one. This year is particularly special because it's going to be Doris's centenary!

The rules are the same as they have been: you can write about anything relating to Doris -- her films, her music, her personal life, her work with animals, her role as a style icon, the list goes on! I also won't limit how many posts you want to do.

Because there is so, so much you can write about, I'd prefer no duplicates. Sorry, all, it's first come, first serve.

You can post on any of the three days of the blogathon, or you can post early. I only ask that you be sure to send me your link and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Now grab a banner, spread the word, and I'll see you in April!

List of Participants:

The Stop Button | Young Man with a Horn (1950)

Box Office Poisons | That Touch of Mink (1962)

Taking Up Room | The Glass Bottom Boat (1966)

Dubsism | Do Not Disturb (1965)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Send Me No Flowers (1964)

Hamlette's SoliloquyCalamity Jane (1953)

Silver Screenings | Tea for Two (1952)

Filmland FolliesIt's a Great Feeling (1949)

Whimsically Classic | Julie (1956)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | ten favorite Doris films

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | profile on Doris's life

Diary of a Movie Maniac | Midnight Lace (1960)


  1. Hi!
    Can I do "Young Man With Horn" for the Stop Button?

  2. I look forward to this blogathon every year and so happy to hear that you're back!

    I'd like to write about That Touch of Mink, please :)

    Jess at Box Office Poisons (

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm a little rusty, but happy to be back. :)

      That Touch of Mink is all yours!

  3. Welcome back, Michaela! I'd like to write about "The Glass Bottom Boat," if that's OK.

  4. If you would be so kind...please put me down for 1965's Do Not Disturb.

    1. I don't know if you belong to this group on Facebook

      It's run by Gill from RealWeegie. Anyway, I posted this blog-a-thon there and am adding it to my blog-a-thon page!

    2. Thank you! I don't join Facebook groups anymore (absolutely nothing against the people running them, it's just not my thing), so I appreciate you spreading the word. :)

  5. Hi there, can you add me with Send Me No Flowers from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. I totally love the banners. The Rock Hudson as usual one of my favourites..

    2. Thanks! Doing all those dots took me forever, but I have to admit I like the finished look.

  6. Ooooh! Can I contribute a review of Calamity Jane (1953)?

  7. Hi Michaela, would love to do Tea for Two – if not already taken!

    P.S. Welcome back to the blogosphere!

    1. You got it, Ruth! And thank you! I wish I could devote more time to it, but at the moment it looks like hosting my annual blogathons will have to suffice.

  8. I'm so excited! Could I do It's a Great Feeling (1949)?

  9. Can I write about "Julie" ?

    Whimsically Classic

  10. Hi Michaela! Can't believe that's the 6th edition of the blogathon already! I'd like to write about Teacher's Pet (for The Wonderful World of Cinema

  11. Hi Michaela. I hope you're well?. Seeing as this year is Doris' centenary, I'd like to write a profile on her life.

    My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.

  12. Hi Michaela. I'm not sure why my previous comment is listing me as unknown. Anyway, can you put me down for a profile on Doris' life?

    My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.

  13. Hi! Is it too late to join? I'd like to write about Midnight Lace (1960).

    1. Not too late at all! Glad to have you with us.

  14. Hi there, here's my post for the blogathon...

  15. Hi Michaela, I'm so sorry – I have to bow out of the blogathon. I still plan to post about Tea for Two, and I will link to the blogathon page even though it'll be late.

    1. Oh, so sorry to hear that! I'd still be happy to link to the post whenever you publish it. And thank you for including my link!


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