Announcing the Fifth Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Celebration!


After a bit of a hiatus, Virginie from The Wonderful World of Cinema, Emily from The Flapper Dame, and I will be hosting the Fifth Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Celebration! For three days in April, we will be celebrating one of Hollywood's most indelible (and, let's face it, gorgeous) talents.

The rules are as follows:

1) You can write about anything relating to Mr. Holden, so long as it's respectful: his films, his relationships, his work in wildlife preservation...

2) However, we will only allow a maximum of two people per topic.

3) We also ask that you limit yourself to a maximum of two entries.

4) When you join, please give us the name of your blog, the URL, and your topic(s). You can comment here, on Virginie's blog, or on Emily's.

5) We will each host a day: Emily will do the 15th, Virginie will do the 16th, and I'll do the 17th. Please try to submit your entry to the right blog.

6) New material only, please!

7) And finally, grab one of the great banners Virginie made, spread the word, and we'll see you in April!

Topics no longer available:

The Blue Knight (1973)

List of Participants

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Sabrina (1954)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | William Holden and Billy Wilder's friendship

The Flapper Dame | The 7th Dawn (1964)

The Stop Button | Apartment for Peggy (1948)

Shadows and Satin | Sunset Boulevard (1950)

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | I Love Lucy episode "LA at Last"

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Fedora (1978)

Rick's Real/Reel Life | William Holden's Golden Year: 1950

Dubsism | The Devil's Brigade (1968)

Critica Retro | The Turning Point (1952)

Silver Screenings | Our Town (1940)

Whimsically Classic | Force of Arms (1951)

Taking Up Room | Young and Willing (1943)

The Classic Movie Muse | ten favorite Bill Holden movies

Movie Mom | Dear Ruth (1947)

Screen Dreams | Meet the Stewarts (1942)

Pop Culture Reverie | 21 Hours at Munich (1976)

Period Drama Fan (guest post at The Wonderful World of Cinema) | William Holden's voice

MovieRob | The Blue Knight (1973), Escape to Athena (1979)

Diary of a Movie Maniac | The Blue Knight (1973)

18 Cinema Lane | The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)


  1. Hi there, glad that you doing this again... can you add me with Fedora (1978)?

  2. Hi, I've got mine already written! It's called "William Holden's Golden Year: 1950" Deals with his achieving stardom with "Sunset Blvd." and "Born Yesterday." And his climb to the top after getting mired in genre pictures and serving in the war. My blog: Thanks, Rick

    1. How serendipitous! Thanks, Rick!

    2. I've been on a William Holden kick lately, glad there's a blogathon about him!

  3. Hi again Michaela, I'd love to do Our Town (1940), if still available.

  4. Can I write about "Force of Arms" ? I feel like this is one of Holden's films that isn't talked about as often--and it re-teams him with Nancy Olson!

    Whimsically Classic

    1. Oh, interesting choice! I definitely don't hear that one discussed much. Thanks for joining us with it!

  5. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to write about "The Horse Soldiers," if that's OK.

  6. Hey Michaela – Can I do The Blue Knight (1973), Escape to Athena (1978) and The Revengers (1972)?


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