Day 3 of the Fifth Golden Boy Blogathon is here!


It's the final day of the Fifth Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Celebration! I'll be your host for this grand finale, so participants, please comment below with your entry and I'll get it posted as soon as I can.

Check out Day 1's entries on Emily's blog, The Flapper Dame, and Day 2's entries on Virginie's, The Wonderful World of Cinema.

Critica Retro | The Turning Point (1952)

The Flapper Dame | The 7th Dawn (1964)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Sabrina (1954)

Diary of a Movie Maniac | The Blue Knight (1973)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | William Holden and Billy Wilder's friendship

Thank you to all of our participants! And happy birthday, Bill!


  1. Here it is my entry:

  2. Hey, Emily published her article yesterday but it was a bit late for me. So it can be added to day 3 :)

  3. Hi! Here is my review of The Blue Knight (1973, TV-Mini-Series):

  4. Here is mine Michaela! Sorry it took so long, it was quite a task to correct and edit all that!


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