Announcing the Third Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Centenary Celebration!

This April 17th is a pretty special day: the 100th birthday of William Holden! To honor this versatile and fascinating actor, for three days in April The Wonderful World of CinemaThe Flapper Dame, and I will be hosting the Third Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Centenary Celebration!

In the past, the Golden Boy Blogathon has been hosted only by The Wonderful World of Cinema, but because this is such a special event, Virginie has kindly asked Emily and I to join the festivities and to help spread the word about this monumental occasion. After all, it's not every year William Holden turns 100!

The rules are as follows:

1) You can write about anything relating to Mr. Holden: his films, his relationships, his work in wildlife preservation...

2) However, we will only allow a maximum of two people per topic.

3) We also ask that you limit yourself to a maximum of two entries.

4) When you join, please give us the name of your blog, the URL, and your topic(s). You can comment here, on Virginie's blog, or on Emily's.

5) When sending us the link to your entry, please note that I'll be hosting on the 15th, Emily will host on the 16th, and Virginie will host on the 17th.

6) And finally, grab a banner, spread the word, and we'll see you in April!

NOTE: Sunset Boulevard, Stalag 17, and Picnic have been taken the maximum number of times.

List of Participants
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Born Yesterday (1950)
The Flapper Dame | Paris When It Sizzles (1964)
Coffee, Classics, and Craziness | The Horse Soldiers (1959)
Taking Up Room | Sabrina (1954)
Juliet Campbell (guest at The Wonderful World of Cinema) | The Counterfeit Traitor (1962)
4 Star Films | Picnic (1955)
I ❤ Bill HoldenBreezy (1973)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Omen II (1978)
Cinema Cities | Holden's Oscar-nominated work in Sunset Boulevard, Stalag 17, and Network
Critica Retro | Picnic (1955)
Thoughts All Sorts | The Wild Bunch (1969)
Anybody Got a Match? | Holden and Audrey Hepburn's relationship
39 Frames | Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Old Hollywood Films | Holden's appearance on I Love Lucy
Dubsism | "Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies" installment on Stalag 17 and Network
The Midnite Drive-In | The Devil's Brigade (1968)
Lalarukh Aga (guest at The Wonderful World of Cinema) | Holden video tribute
Vinnieh | The Key (1958)
Caftan Woman | The Remarkable Andrew (1942)
The Story Enthusiast | Dear Ruth (1947)
Silver Screen Classics | Invisible Stripes (1939)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Bill Holden tribute
The Stop Button | The Moon is Blue (1953)
LA Explorer | The Fleet’s In (1942)
Whimsically Classic | Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949)
Crimson Kimono | The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

P.S. Regardless of whether you participate in the blogathon or not, please consider donating to the William Holden Wildlife Foundation, which was created by Stefanie Powers in 1982 in honor of her partner.


  1. Coffee, Classics, & Craziness has subscribed for The Horse Soldiers! :)

  2. Ah this was your other big announcement... any more to come? Can I review Holden in Omen II (1978)? love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Yep, this was the announcement! Glad to have you!

  3. Can I do The Wild Bunch please? Started watching this years ago and never got to finish it so perfect opportunity…

  4. I'd like to write about William Holden's guest appearance on I Love Lucy for Old Hollywood Films, if that topic isn't taken yet.

  5. My library has had The Devil's Brigade for a couple of years. I have been wanting to watch it, but have been busy. This sounds like an opportunity to finally get around to it.

    1. Awesome! Glad to have you with us!

    2. Thanks. BTW the way, whoever did the banners for the blogathon this year, bravo! I had to choose between three and had to flip several coins before I came up with the one I will use.

    3. Wow, thanks! I was asked to do the banners and I was happy to oblige.

  6. Looking forward to being a part of this, specifically because from what I've see so far, I can expect some smart stuff.

    BTW, you're an Indiana native and I'm a transplant to Hoosierland...

    1. It should be a great time! I'm glad to hear from an honorary Hoosier! :)

  7. I'd like to review Dear Ruth at

    1. You got it! Glad to have you, Brittaney!

      My entry is published.

    3. Thanks! I'll make sure this is linked to our day 2 post!

  8. Here's my post:

    Thanks for hosting!


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