The Clark Gable Blogathon is here!

Dear Mr. Gable, I am writing this to you,
and I hope that you will read it so you'll know
My heart beats like a hammer,
And I stutter and I stammer,
Every time I see you at the picture show.
I guess I'm just another fan of yours,
And I thought I'd write
and tell you so...
<><><> "Dear Mr. Gable / You Made Me Love You" <><><>

Today's the day: my three-day celebration of the legendary Clark Gable has arrived! Join me and a terrific roster of writers as we honor one of the most iconic actors to ever grace the silver screen.

Bloggers, please send me your links as soon as possible and I'll link to them as fast as I can. I'm not a big social media person, so if you could please spread the word about this event, that would be so lovely of you!

And happy 117th birthday to you, Mr. Gable!

Silver Screenings starts things off with the delightful piece Why Clark Gable is a Perfect Rhett Butler. I must say, I agree wholeheartedly!

As Maddy Loves Her Classic Films writes, "Clark Gable was the leading man in 1930s Hollywood," and San Francisco (1936) is a great example why.

The Story Enthusiast looks at one of the early films that made Gable a star: A Free Soul (1931).

The Midnite Drive-In covers one of Gable's most famous films, Mutiny on the Bounty (1935).

Realweegiemidget Reviews talks about one of my favorite Gable films, the underrated Teacher's Pet (1958).

Did you know that Gable and Barbara Stanwyck worked together not once, but twice? Caftan Woman gives us the lowdown on their first collaboration, the fantastic Night Nurse (1931).

For their first entry, Taking Up Room discusses Boom Town (1940), an interesting drama will a magnificent cast.

The Wonderful World of Cinema talks about one of Gable's lesser known films, Cain and Mabel (1936).

Top 10 Film Lists writes about Gable's fascinating remake of his earlier hit Red Dust, Mogambo (1953).

Speaking of Red Dust (1932), The Flapper Dame reviews the pre-Code film and looks at the lovely friendship between Gable and frequent co-star Jean Harlow.

For my entry, I discuss a film I have complicated feelings about: Wife vs. Secretary (1936).

The Story and You gives us a wonderful list of the Top 10 Under-Seen Clark Gable Films.

Taking Up Room is back and they've brought Carole Lombard with them. Read about the romance and the tragedy of Lombard and Gable here.

Joan Crawford was one of Gable's best partners, as Critica Retro demonstrates with a great review of the duo's last (and eighth!) collaboration Strange Cargo (1940).

Speaking of Gable and Crawford, Sat in Your Lap looks at their third film, Possessed (1931). (Can you believe that the pair made three movies in 1931 alone?!)

L.A. Explorer brings us a Myrna Loy/Clark Gable double bill with Test Pilot (1938) and Too Hot to Handle (1938).

Gable was certainly an underrated actor. Thankfully, Phyllis Loves Classic Movies tries to rectify that by discussing Three Times Clark Gable Proved He Could Act.

Sat in Your Lap returns with Call of the Wild (1935).

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society explores how the Production Code influenced the excellent The Hucksters (1947).

Anybody Got a Match looks at Manhattan Melodrama (1934), a film that is about "convictions, love, and how far one is willing to go to keep them together."

Musings of a Classic Film Addict comes down the stretch with Saratoga (1937).

Old Hollywood Films joins the party with a photo gallery of Gable and Lombard.

Back to Golden Days gives us insight on Gable's early years.

Last but not least, In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood reviews the film that won Gable an Oscar, It Happened One Night (1934).

Thanks so much to all of the participants and all of you who have supported this blogathon by reading these incredible tributes! And please come back in the next few days for the announcements of my next blogathon adventures! (That's right -- plural!)


  1. Looking forward to your big announcementS with a capital to reinforce its plural. In the meantime, here's Mr Gable in Teacher's Pet from me for your blogathon..
    love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Can't wait to read it, Gill! And I'm excited to make my announcements! One will definitely be on the 4th, after this blogathon, and the other will be sometime very soon. :)

  2. Sounds really exciting - two or more... cant wait to read yours too, btw love you to join this if you able

    1. I already did join your blogathon, and I'm really looking forward to it. Michael Caine is one of my favorite people in the world.

    2. oops sorry about that ! Glad to have you on board!

  3. Here's that nasty Nick:

  4. Hi Michaela! Here's my first one:

  5. Hey Michaela, here is my entry for the blogathon! Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  6. My entry on Mogambo has been posted to Here is the direct link to the entry: Thanks for hosting! Enjoying the entries so far!!

    1. Thanks! I'm really enjoying them, too!

    2. Just posted a call to action to check out the blogathon to one of the Clark Gable Facebook pages.

  7. Hi- Here it is! First 2018 blogathon was awesome!!!

    1. Aw, thanks! I'm still working on mine -- I'm determined to get it done, even if I have to stay up all night!

  8. Unfortunately some things came up and I was not able to complete my post on The Misfits in time, but here's my list of under-seen Clark Gable films! I'm excited to take a look at all of these posts, I love seeing Clark get so much attention in time for his birthday :) Thanks again for hosting.

    1. Totally understandable. Happy you were still able to join us! It's pretty great seeing Clark get so much love, isn't it?

  9. Hey Michaela. I'm working on my article now, but it will be a bit late.

  10. Hi again, Michaela! Here's Number Two:

  11. Her's my take on Strange Cargo:

  12. Here's my post! Thanks for hosting and looking forward to your upcoming announcements!

  13. Dear Michaela,

    Here is the link to my article about "The Hucksters:" I hope your blogathon was a huge success! It certainly seems to have been swell! Thank you for letting me participate.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I hope your blogathon does beautifully!

  14. I'm 42 minutes past the deadline (Eek!) but here's my Clark and Carole photo gallery for old hollywood films.

    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Hi, Michaela!
    My post on the early days of Clark Gable is finally up.

    Sorry it took me so long to upload it, but I hope you can still add it to the roster.
    Thanks for hosting.

    -Cátia. xo

    1. No problem! I'm glad you were still able to participate!


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