Announcing the 100 Years of Rita Hayworth Blogathon!

"Whatever you write about me, don’t make it sad." -- Rita Hayworth

On October 17, 1918, Margarita Carmen Cansino was born. In the 1930s, she became Rita Hayworth, and over the next few decades, she was the iconic "Love Goddess." To this day, she remains a stunning talent and tragic figure for millions of film fans. For three days in October, I'll be celebrating this tremendous woman -- and just in time for her 100th birthday, too!

I know it seems silly to announce this so early, but I'm going to be out of the country for two weeks soon, I'm about to start grad school, and I was afraid someone would beat me to the punch, so early announcement it was!

The Rules:
You can write about anything relating to Hayworth -- her films, her personal life, her dancing, her Hispanic heritage, the list goes on! I also won't limit how many posts you want to do.

This probably goes without saying, but I would like for this event to be a loving tribute to Rita, so please keep your post(s) respectful.

Because there is so, so much you can write about, I'd prefer no duplicates. Sorry, everyone, it's first come, first serve. And please, no previously published material.

You can post on any of the three days of the blogathon, or you can post early! I only ask that you be sure to send me your link and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Please grab a banner, help me spread the word, and I'll see you in October!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | You Were Never Lovelier (1942)
Maddy Loves Her Classic Films | tribute to Rita
Wide Screen World | Blondie on a Budget (1940)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | profile of Rita and The Strawberry Blonde (1941)
Caftan Woman | Separate Tables (1958)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Gilda (1946)
The Midnite Drive-In | Blood and Sand (1941)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Angels Over Broadway (1940)
The Lonely Critic | The Lady from Shanghai (1948)
Overture Books and Film | Cover Girl (1944)
Critica Retro | The Loves of Carmen (1948)
Angelman's Place | Pal Joey (1957)
Silver ScreeningsYou'll Never Get Rich (1941)
Taking Up Room | Rita during WWII
The Stop Button | Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
Top 10 Film Lists | My Gal Sal (1942)
MovieRob | Circus World (1964), Tales of Manhattan (1942), and The Story on Page One (1959)
Whimsically Classic | the collaborations of Rita and Glenn Ford
The Story Enthusiast | Affair in Trinidad (1952)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Music in My Heart (1940)


  1. Hi Michaela. What a fabulous idea for a blogathon! Can I write a tribute to Rita please? I will discuss why I like her, and I will discuss her performances in some of her films. She is a great favourite of mine and I am thrilled to see her being honoured.

  2. I sure hope I don't forget about this blogathon when the time comes! I'll take the Blondie movie Rita made, BLONDIE ON A BUDGET.

    1. Interesting choice! I recorded all of those Blondie films when TCM aired them last month, but I still need to watch Blondie on a Budget.

      I'll be sending out reminders once the event is closer, so hopefully that helps!

  3. Hi. Could I have Separate Tables, please?

  4. Great idea! Could I go with Gilda please? :)

    I'm at The Wonderful World of Cinema

  5. Hello, Can I review her in Down To Earth (1947), does look like a good fun movie! Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Absolutely! It's been a while since I've seen that one, but I remember it being pretty cute.

  6. I was just shopping the Half Price Books up in south Austin. I saw a boxed set of leading ladies movies that I passed on. Wasn't sure if the Rita Hayworth movie had already been claimed, which was the only reason I was going to buy it at that time. (Not that I didn't want it, it has some pretty good movies, but I was already over budget on purchases for that trip.) Tentatively I'd like to claim "Blood and Sand". Hopefully the boxed set will still be there next time I go (in a couple of weeks...)

    1. Isn't Half Price Books the best? I'll gladly put you down for Blood and Sand. If things change, just let me know!

    2. Out of curiosity I went to their website. I had no idea you had that many in Indiana. (Actually I didn't know you had any, but they are expanding exponentially...) We have about 6 or 8 within a 50 mile radius of me. Depending on how ambitious I am I can hit them all on a Saturday.

    3. I would be so broke if I had that many near me. We have a Half Price Books outlet about 30 minutes from where I live and that's about all the temptation I can handle.

    4. Good news. The box set was still there today.

  7. Choosing a topic for this was not easy considering the fact that Rita's essentially my favorite actress, so I've seen and reviewed many of her movies at this point and have limited access to the rest. I've decided to rediscover an old favorite of mine and review her in Angels Over Broadway (1940) for Musings of a Classic Film Addict if that's okay! I can't wait to celebrate what promises to be an incredible centenary for her!

    1. Interesting choice! I haven't seen that one yet, but hopefully I can before the blogathon. Glad to have you join!

  8. Hello! I'd like to write about The Lady from Shanghai.
    My blog called The Lonely Critic, here's a link:

  9. Hey! Can I join? And I would like to talk about Cover Girl.
    My blog can be found here

  10. Hi, Michaela! I want to write about The Loves of Carmen (1948). Rita deserves to be celebrated, she was so wonderful!

  11. Hi Michaela - would love to write about Pal Joey (1957), Rita's last big musical for Columbia, if still available. Those banners are FABulous...and I forgot Rita woud be 100 in 2018!

  12. Michaela! Wonderful idea! I'd love to do "You'll Never Get Rich" (1941) with Fred Astaire, if not already taken.

    1. Yay, I was hoping you'd join! You'll Never Get Rich is yours!

  13. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to write about Rita during World War Two, if that's OK.

    1. Sounds like an interesting topic! Thanks for joining!

  14. Can I do Only Angels Have Wings for The Stop Button?

  15. Michaela,
    I would love to write about Affectionately Yours. I blog at



    1. Sounds great, glad to have you join!

    2. Michaela,
      Any chance I could switch my subject to My Gal Sal? I'm having trouble finding Affectionately Yours to watch before the 17th! Thanks


    3. No problem! Looking forward to reading your post!

  16. Can I do Circus World(1964), Tales of Manhattan(1942) and The Story on Page One(1959)?



  17. I'd like to write about Rita and her many collaborations with Glenn Ford

    1. I love that teaming -- great topic! Glad to have you with us!

  18. I'd like to claim Affair in Trinidad please. I'm at

    1. Oops, sorry for the late reply! Great to have you join! I'll add you to the roster later day.

    2. My post for Rita's blogathon is ready.

      I'm sorry I couldn't follow Rita's directive not to make it a bit sad. She deserved so much better than she got.

    3. I so agree! Thanks, Brittaney!

  19. Michaela, I am always late when it comes to signing up for blogathons, and I am late for this one, too. I have been planning for a while to write about Affair in Trinidad, and I finally expect to post about it in September. I see that your blogathon is happening in October and that someone is already writing about Affair in Trinidad.

    So how about this? When I post in September, I give your blogathon a shout out, complete with a link to your site and add the image of Rita in red from above? Would that be okay with you?
    Make Mine Film Noir

    1. That sounds lovely -- thank you for such a kind gesture! If you decide you'd like to join with a different Rita film, though, by all means, please do!

    2. Thanks! I think I will delay my post about Affair in Trinidad until the beginning of October, to make it closer to your Rita Hayworth blogathon event. I'll give you a heads up when it's up on my blog.

    3. Thank you! Looking forward to reading it!

  20. Dear Michaela,

    This sounds like a wonderful blogathon! I would like to participate with an article about "Music in My Heart."

    By the way, I would like to invite you to join "The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon." This blogathon, which will be taking place on October 12-17, is a celebration of the Code, its Era, and its enforcer, Joseph I. Breen. We are using this blogathon to honor Joseph Breen on his 130th birthday, which would have been on October 14. However, we are extending the blogathon to October 17 to celebrate the second anniversary of PEPS, which was founded on October 17, 2016. You can participate by breening a film that is not from the Breen Era (1934-1954) or by analyzing a Code films. You can also discuss an aspect of the Code, its influence on Hollywood, or Mr. Breen itself. You can find out more and join here:

    I hope that you'll be able to join! We could really use your talents.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. It's yours! Thanks for joining!

      Unfortunately, I've had to take a step back from joining blogathons lately. (I actually just had to drop out of one yesterday.) Between grad school and two jobs, I don't have nearly enough time to dedicate to my blog as I used to. I really hate it, but it's necessary for the moment. I wish your blogathon all the best, though, and I'm sorry! :(

    2. Thank you, Michaela! I understand. I wasn't doing many blogathons for a while myself. I look forward to participating in your blogathon. Thank you for your good wishes. I wish you all the best with your endeavors!

      Yours Hopefully,

      Tiffany Brannan

  21. Hi Michaela, Sorry about the short notice but will have to withdraw from the blogathon. Hope all goes well and love it if you have the time to join this...
    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Aw, you'll be missed! I have had to step back from joining blogathons lately due to an impossibly busy schedule, but if anything changes, I'll let you know!

    2. Thanks, understand.. but will tune in for your next one for sure.

  22. Hi Michaela, busy week ahead so I got mine done early (as I see you did too!) Here you go:

  23. Hello Michaela. Here is my tribute to Rita.

    Thanks for hosting this.

  24. Here's my post on Angels Over Broadway! Thank you so much for hosting, and I can't wait to honor Rock Hudson with you too next month!

    1. Thank you! I'm excited to gush over Rock Hudson myself!

    My post on Blood and Sand

  26. Here's my look at Separate Tables:

  27. Here is my post on My Gal Sal from

    Thanks for hosting! I;'m looking forward to reading all the other pieces


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