Announcing the Fourth Golden Boy Blogathon!

We're baaaaack! It's a bit short notice, but in just a month, The Wonderful World of Cinema, The Flapper Dame, and I will be hosting the Fourth Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Celebration! For three days in April, we will be celebrating one of Hollywood's most indelible (and, let's face it, gorgeous) talents.

The rules are as follows:
1) You can write about anything relating to Mr. Holden: his films, his relationships, his work in wildlife preservation...

2) However, we will only allow a maximum of two people per topic.

3) We also ask that you limit yourself to a maximum of two entries.

4) When you join, please give us the name of your blog, the URL, and your topic(s). You can comment here, on Virginie's blog, or on Emily's.

5) And finally, grab a banner, spread the word, and we'll see you in April!

NOTE: Sunset Boulevard and Stalag 17 have been claimed the maximum number of times and is no longer available.

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Rachel and the Stranger (1948)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Union Station (1950)
The Flapper Dame | tribute to Bill
The Stop Button | Stalag 17 (1953)
Poppity Talks Classic Films | Breezy (1973)
Movie Rob | Fedora (1978) and Force of Arms (1951)
Taking Up Room | Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Crimson Kimono | Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Pale Writer | Sabrina (1954)
The Midnite Drive-In | The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1957) and The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Maddy Loves Her Classic Films | five favorite William Holden films
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Stalag 17 (1953)
Screen Dreams | Golden Boy (1939)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | S.O.B. (1980)
Overture Books and Film | Apartment for Peggy (1948)
Dubsism | Streets of Laredo (1949)
Critica Retro | The Moon is Blue (1953)
William Holden Appreciation | William Holden and Conservation
The Story Enthusiast | Meet the Stewarts (1942)
Pop Culture Reverie | Young and Willing (1943)


  1. I just want to make a couple of comments. I never saw WILLIAM HOLDEN in any movies until around 1984(a few years after his passing) and I ended up seeing a dozen of his movies in just a few years. My two favorites are SUNSET BOULEVARD and PICNIC. Nancy Olson, who played Betty in Boulevard and Kim Novak(Picnic) are still with us. Kim had two very attractive suitors in that movie , Hal(Holden) and Alan(Cliff Robertson).

  2. Hi there, can I review S.O.B (1980), Holdens last film? So glad you holding this again… Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

  3. I want to add to my above post that KIM NOVAK is 86 and NANCY OLSON will be 91 later this year. I don't have a blog but that would be a good topic-the movies that Bill(as he was called) and Nancy did together. I believe they did at least 4 movies together.

  4. I understand you have dominion over day two. I was a little behind schedule, for me, but I got it done this morning.

  5. I love all of Bill's movies. He was so versatile, gave quality performances. He will always be my favorite actor, loved him.


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