Announcing the Second Clark Gable Blogathon!

Last February, I held the Clark Gable Blogathon, a tribute to one of the most iconic actors in cinematic history. I loved hosting this event and many people seemed to enjoy it as well. Although I meant to make this an annual event for Gable's birthday, which takes place in February, my plate has just been too full. However, this summer will provide me with the perfect opportunity to once again honor one of my favorite actors.

The rules are very simple. You can discuss anything you want about Mr. Gable, from his films to his service in WWII to his romance with Carole Lombard. Everything is up for grabs. However, because there is no shortage of topics, I've decided to not allow duplicates, so try to stake your claim as soon as possible!

Let me know in the comments what you'd like, grab a banner below, and I'll see you in June!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | After Office Hours (1935)
Silver Screen Classics | China Seas (1935)
Caftan Woman | Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Night Nurse (1931)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | a tribute to Gable
The Story Enthusiast | But Not for Me (1959)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | The King and Four Queens (1956)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Gable and Lombard (1976)
Pale Writer | Strange Cargo (1940)
Taking Up Room | The Painted Desert (1931)
The Midnite Drive-In | Gone with the Wind (1939)
Overture Books and Film | The Misfits (1961)
Pop Culture Reverie | Men in White (1934)
It Came from the Man Cave! | Test Pilot (1938)
Critica Retro | No Man of Her Own (1932)
The Stop Button | Run Silent Run Deep (1958)
Dubsism | Command Decision (1948)
Screen Dreams | Possessed (1931)
Diary of a Movie Maniac | Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise (1931)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | "Film Fashion Friday" entry on one of Gable's costumes
MovieRob | Betrayed (1954) and Soldier of Fortune (1955)


  1. I just want to make a couple of comments. Gable was paired up with Doris Day in a comedy Teachers Pet. He was nominated for a GOLDEN GLOBE for that movie, I believe. His last movie was also MARILYN MONROES last movie, THE MISFITS. I also liked BUT NOT FOR ME with Carroll Baker. (ALL BLONDES). I remember Gable being silly (having a funny look on his face )when Thelma Ritter was talking to Gay(Gable) in The Misfits. There has never been a movie star like Gable ever since. He WAS the KING OF HOLLYWOOD!

  2. I was right about the GOLDEN GLOBE nomination for that movie. He was also nominated for BUT NOT FOR ME.

  3. China Seas please! Thanks so much! Paul from Silver Screen Classics

  4. I didn't think I was feeling inspired for The King this year, but I can't stay away! I'd like to offer something on Manhattan Melodrama.

    PS: Don't forget to stop every once in a while for a nice cup of tea or a piece of fruit. You're only human.

    1. Oh, good! And thanks. I was just on Spring Break and my mom kept saying, "Which day are you going to relax?"

  5. I'm so glad you're bringing this back! Could I please write about Night Nurse (1931)? I've never seen it despite the fact that I own it, and I'm curious to see Clark in an early villainous role!

    1. That's a good one! It's definitely weird to see Gable play a villain.

      Glad you could join!

  6. I've already written extensively on Clark's marriage and relationship with Carole, so this time I'd like to write about Clark Gable and Joan Crawford - their relationship and film collaborations.

    My blog: In The Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood.

  7. I'd like to write about But Not For Me. It's the last of Gable's films I've yet to see.

    1. Sounds good! I haven't seen that one yet, either, so I'm excited to hear your thoughts.

    2. Here's my entry.

  8. Hello! I would love to write about 'The King and Four Queens' (1956). :-)

  9. Hi there, can you add me with It Started in Naples? Thanks from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Thanks Michaela - got a couple of blogathons coming up (one coincides with yours) but love you to join if you can. I can accept early entry if it suits you. Giilx

    2. I know I won't be able to do the Michael Caine one because of my school schedule, which makes me sad. I'm not super knowledgeable about Hammer films, but if inspiration strikes, I'll be sure to let you know!

  10. Hi! May I please write about "Strange Cargo" (1940)? My blog is

  11. Hi Michaela, I'd love to do Wife vs Secretary, if it's not already taken... :)

  12. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to review "Painted Desert," please. Glad to see Mr. Gable is back!

  13. I got to see Gone With the Wind on the big screen last month. A good time to write it up since no one has claimed it yet. (Imagine that...)

    1. I almost grabbed that one myself. It's incredible seeing it on the big screen.

  14. I would like to do a post about The Misfits. My blog is Overture Books and Film and the link is here.

  15. Can I do Men in White?

  16. Would love to jump in with 1938's Test Pilot
    Bob From
    It Came From The Man Cave!

  17. Can I write about No Man of Her Own (1932)?
    Le from Critica Retro

    1. Certainly! And I'm so sorry for the late reply!

  18. Can I do RUN SILENT RUN DEEP for The Stop Button?

  19. Being the slow sports guy, I just discovered this event. I would love to contribute 1948's Command Decision if you'll have me :)

    1. Great! I saw that one just last year, so I'm eager to hear your thoughts!

    2. Sweet. I will update my blog-a-thon page to include it!

      By the way, I noticed your bio says "Indiana Native." I must have replaced you to maintain the Hoosier State's blogger quotient :)

  20. Can I write about Possessed (1931)?

    I'm at :)

  21. Hi! Can I write about Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) (1931)?

    1. That'd be great! That's one I've been meaning to check out.

  22. Give me the big guns themselves:

    Gone With The Wind

    1. Oh, shoot, The Midnite Drive-In has already claimed that one. Sorry! :(

      If you have another topic in mind, it'd be great to have you!

  23. Hi Michaela, I have a change of plan can I change my post to Gable and Lombard (1976), been ages since I did a biopic.

  24. Replies
    1. Yes, that's fine, Gill! I'll update the roster sometime today.

  25. Dear Michaela,

    It's great that you're hosting this blogathon again! I would like to participate with an article about one of Clark Gable's stylish costumes as part of my weekly series Film Fashion Fridays. I will choose the particular costume that week. Is that alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  26. Hi Michaela, sorry to do this, but I will have to drop out of the blogathon. I just started a new job with intense training and I just won't be able to Get It Together in time. But if you're hosting this fab event again next year, count me in!

    1. You'll be missed, but I understand! Congrats on the new job! And I have a feeling Clark will make an appearance again next year. :)

  27. Can I do Betrayed (1954) and Soldier of Fortune (1955)?

  28. Hello Michaela, hope all good with you. Here's my review of Gable and Lombard.. and would love it if you join my Jeff Goldblum blogathon (details on my blog) thanks, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Thanks, Gill! And I'll try to check it out!


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