Announcing the Third Van Johnson Blogathon!

It's time to announce one of my favorite events: my annual Van Johnson blogathon! MGM's Golden Boy, America's Sweetheart, and the bobbysoxers' dream man, Van holds a special place in my heart, which makes me all too glad to host this three-day tribute to him.

The rules are simple: talk about Van. You can discuss his films, his TV appearances, his stage work, or his personal life -- just remember to be kind! I also ask that there are no duplicates. I would love for this to be a diverse celebration of Van because he more than deserves it. Just leave me a comment and select a banner below! (I must say I'm particularly proud of the one with the dog, whose speech bubble was originally about Elizabeth Taylor until I got my hands on it.) See you in August!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | The ABCs of Van Johnson
Critica Retro | The Bottom of the Bottle (1956)
The Stop Button | A Guy Named Joe (1943)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | Van Johnson's Hollywood: A Family Album
Realweegiemidget Reviews | The Kidnapping of the President (1980)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | ideal roles for Van in different Katharine Hepburn films
Taking Up Room | State of the Union (1949)
Pale Writer | The End of the Affair (1955)
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | Weekend at the Waldorf (1945)
Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Brigadoon (1954)
Overture Books and Film | Easy to Wed (1946)
The Midnite Drive-In | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957)
Screen Dreams | In the Good Old Summertime (1949)
Top 10 Film Lists | Battleground (1949)
Champagne for Lunch | The Bride Goes Wild (1948)


  1. Great! I'll wrtie about Van Johnson and Joseph Cotten in "The Bottom of the Bottle", 1956.
    Le from Critica Retro

    1. How have I never heard of that one?! Excited to read about it!

  2. I don't have a blog but I want to mention that VAN JOHNSON did 3 episodes of MURDER, SHE WROTE which starred ANGELA LANSBURY. Van played a different character each time. The first one was set in CABOT COVE and also guest-starred JUNE ALLYSON. Classic TV Fan

    1. I just rewatched that episode two nights ago. It is always so sweet to see Van and June reunited.

  3. Hopefully this isn't a double post... Can I do Guy Named Joe for The Stop Button?

  4. Hi Michaela!
    I would love to write about "Van Johnson's Hollywood: A Family Album" which was written by his daughter, Schuyler. I'm a huge Van fan!!! :-D

  5. Hi there, can you add me with The Kidnapping of the President (1980), looks a fantastic cast.. from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews, btw did you get my post on Gable and Lombard that I left yesterday?

    1. Sure! And yes, I responded to you last night, but perhaps you didn't see it.

    2. Thanks, didn't spot that. Hope all goes well with the blogathon today!

  6. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to do "State of the Union," please, and I'm at Taking Up Room. Looking forward to reading the Clark Gable stuff this weekend!

  7. Hi! 💖 May I please write shot Van’s performance in The End of the Affair?

    1. Certainly! I'll update the roster later today.

    2. Thank you 💓

  8. So glad you're bringing this back again! Could I please write about Van in Week-End at the Waldorf (1945)? I'm so curious about his onscreen chemistry with Lana Turner!

    1. Good choice! He and Lana are great together. I think you'll like it.

      I'll try to update the roster soon. I'm out of town and away from my computer.

  9. Hello, Michaela! I'm glad that you're hosting this event again. I would like to participate with an article about "Brigadoon." Is that alright?

    By the way, I would like to invite you to join our month-long celebration of Code films, #CleanMovieMonth85 (! Throughout July, we are going to watch nothing but American Breen Era films, and we are inviting participants to do the same. Writers can join this celebration with articles about their own favorite films and discoveries during the month, and we will republish them on our website. As a special high-point of this celebration, we are hosting a blogathon on the first weekend in July in honor of the formation of the PCA and the twenty wonderful years of decent cinema which followed during Joseph Breen’s tenure. It will be called The Favorite Code Film Blogathon ( On July 5-7, participants will choose their single favorite Code films and write about why these movies from the era of film decency were so good. We would love to have your participation. We could really use your talent!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. I would love for you to cover Brigadoon! That's one of my favorites. I'll update the roster shortly.

      (P.S. I responded to your invite on my Janet Leigh announcement post.)

  10. Can I write about Between Two Women from 1945, please?

  11. I'm sorry this is Christine from Overture Books and Film again, but I can change mine to Easy to Wed?

    1. Definitely! I'm thrilled that you're bringing an Esther Williams/Van pairing to my event. :)

    2. I am looking forward to it! And if you need a cute still for your blog post for Two Girls and a Sailor I am happy to share mine with you.

    3. That's very nice of you! I'm actually thinking about changing my topic, but I'll keep your offer in mind. :)

  12. Just acquired yet ANOTHER boxed set of movies. This one has Pied Piper of Hamelin. I'm willing to give it a shot, sight unseen.

    1. Oh, cool! If memory serves me right, someone wrote about that one last year and they enjoyed it. It'll be nice to hear your thoughts!

  13. Hi Michaela! Can I write about In The Good Old Summertime (1949)?
    I'm at :)

  14. Hi Michaela, would it be ok to change my review to Tales Of The Unexpected, Down Among The Sheltering Palms (1983)? Sorry for being a pest again, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

  15. Hi, will just stick with my first choice of The Kidnapping of a President, changed my ind after I sent it but couldn't delete it. Sorry.

  16. If it's not too late to join I'd love to write about Battleground.

    Thanks Kevin

  17. these banners!! especially The Big Hangover one ;---; I miss the Van blogathon and him in general so I'm going to participate this year (did I last year??) anyway, put me down for The Bride Goes Wild

    1. Thanks, Simoa! I had such a blast making those banners.

      GREAT film choice! And I think you've participated every year so far. :)

  18. Hi, a wee bit earlier than planned (accidently pressed the publish button) here's my post for the blogathon! from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  19. Would help if ad add the link, here it is...

    1. Thanks, Gill! It's always nice to get posts early. :)

    2. Thanks Michaela! Hope all goes well for the blogathon.

  20. Hello Michaela!

    Here is the link to my entry --

    I wanted to make sure to get it done early because I still have my article for the Wizard of Oz Blogathon to complete. :-) It was not an easy write but I hope you enjoy what I had to say.


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