The Esther Williams Blogathon is here!


I don't know about you all, but I am over the moon that we'll be celebrating Esther Williams for the next three days! An unforgettable talent, brilliant businesswoman, and wonderful role model, Esther has been thrilling audiences for years and her influence is still felt today from Beauty and the Beast to The Great Muppet Caper to Beyonce's Black is King. I love this woman to pieces, and I can't wait to read what all of the participants have to say about her.

Participants, please leave a comment below once you are ready to submit your entry and I'll try to post them as soon as I can.

08-12 UPDATE: Some entries are still coming in, so be sure to keep checking back for new posts!

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | The ABCs of Esther

Dubsism | Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949)

Box Office Poison | Thrill of a Romance (1945)

18 Cinema Lane | places where Esther left an impact, frequented, or visited

KN Winiarski Writes | Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949)

Critica Retro | Fiesta (1947)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Esther and screenwriter Dorothy Kingsley

Whimsically Classic | Neptune's Daughter (1949)

Taking Up Room | Bathing Beauty (1944)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Jupiter's Darling (1955)

Movies Meet Their Match | Esther's appearances on What's My Line?

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The Hoodlum Saint (1946)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | The Unguarded Moment (1956)

Happy 99th birthday, Esther!


  1. The week seemed to move very slowly as the blogathon approached:

  2. Here's my post on Thrill of a Romance!

  3. Hi Michaela! Thanks for letting me join your blogathon! I just published my entry, so here's the link:

  4. Thanks for letting me participate! In a bit of coming "full circle," "foreshadowing'" or whatever you may like, Esther Williams got three contributions in the very first blog-a-thon I ever hosted.

    1. How wonderful! I remember participating in that event, but that was also when I was up to my eyeballs in graduate work so I don't think I got to read everyone's entries. Time to remedy that!

  5. Here it is Fiesta!

  6. Hi, Michaela! My post is now up: Oh, and I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award--congrats! >

  7. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my article about "Jupiter's Darling:" I'm sorry for sending you this link late!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  8. Sorry for being such a "problem blogger"! After my last comment my computer was giving me a lot of trouble. I'm sorry I'm so late! Here it is:

    1. It's all good! I've been late to a blogathon or two before. :)

  9. Dear Michaela,

    I'm sorry I'm sending this to you so late. Here is my second post: Thank you for hosting this!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan


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