The Fourth Van Johnson Blogathon is here!


It's one of my favorite times of the year: my annual Van Johnson blogathon! For the next three days, a wonderful group of bloggers will be joining me to honor this delightful man and his 104th birthday.

If you're a participant, please leave me the link to your post below and I'll update the roster as quickly as I can!

PLEASE NOTE: There may be some late entries, so please keep checking back a day or two after the event's official end date!

Silver Screenings | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957)

Caftan Woman | 23 Paces to Baker Street (1956)

Champagne for Lunch | Easy to Wed (1946)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Van's episode of MacMillan and Wife

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Two Girls and a Sailor (1944)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | Divorce American Style (1967)

18 Cinema Lane | Van's episodes of Murder, She Wrote

KN Winiarski Writes | Brigadoon (1954)

Taking Up Room | Van's episodes of Batman

Champagne for Lunch | In the Good Old Summertime (1949)

Poppity Talks Classic Film | Wives and Lovers (1963)

MovieRob | The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)

MovieRob | The Kidnapping of the President (1980)

MovieRob | Eagles Over London (1969)

Movies Meet Their Match | Three Guys Named Mike (1951)

Dubsism | Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Weekend at the Waldorf (1945)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Duchess of Idaho (1950)

Happy birthday, Van!


  1. Here's my look at 23 Paces to Baker Street (on Vera Miles birthday no less!).

    1. Oh, how wonderful, I didn't realize it was Ms. Miles's birthday. Thanks, Paddy!

  2. Hi Michaela, here's Van in McMillan and wife with your other fave Rock Hudson, this is definitely an episode that you would enjoy...

  3. hey Michaela, here's my post on Easy to Wed!

  4. Hi Michaela, here is the link to my entry for Divorce American Style! Thank you so much for hosting! ^^

  5. Hello Michaela! I just published my post for the blogathon! Here's the link:

  6. Hi! Here's mine!

  7. Hi, Michaela! Here's my post:

  8. happy Van Day, Michaela! thank you as always for hosting. I actually wasn't even sure I'd be able to submit either post, but I'm glad I did. and glad that it was for the blogathon <3 I hope your day is...Vantastic!!!!! *sigh* anyway, here's my second post:

    1. Happy Van Day to you, Simoa! I wasn't sure I would be able to contribute anything myself, but I'm so glad I pushed through and that you were able to as well. This blogathon just wouldn't have been the same without you! :)

  9. Hiya Michaela!

    Happy Van Day as well! :-D

    Here is my entry -

    I'm honestly already looking forward to next year's annual blogathon as I cannot get enough of Van the Man. Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. And a happy Van Day to you! Thanks for the link! :)

  10. Here's my post! Thanks for hosting!:

  11. Dear Michaela,

    I'm ashamed to count myself as one of the late participants, but I now send you my two entries, a week late! I hope that you will still include them. I have been so busy catching up with earlier articles that I have gotten frightfully tardy during the second half of August. Anyway, here are my reviews of "Week-End at the Waldorf" and "Duchess of Idaho:" and Thank you for hosting this!

    By the way, I would like to invite you to join my upcoming blogathon, the Joe Pasternak Blogathon: Since you're a fan of Van and Esther, you might enjoy writing about one of their many films produced by Mr. Pasternak. We would love to have your talent, if you are free!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I know how easy it is to get behind on posts. I appreciate you still contributing.

      Thanks for the invite! I'll check out your announcement right now.


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