The Third Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Blogathon is here!


2020, as we all know, has not been a good year in so many ways. Sadly, as her brother explained a few weeks ago, it has been especially tough for my co-host, Crystal, and her family the past month. Crystal is still in the critical care unit in a coma, which makes hosting this event very bittersweet. I know how much she was looking forward to this, though, and I know that when (not "if!") she wakes up, she'll love to see everyone's tributes to Fred and Ginger, two stars she and I both adore.

Crystal, this blogathon is dedicated to you. We're all pulling for you and can't wait for you to come back to us!

Participants, please leave me a comment below once you are ready to submit your entry and I'll try to post it as soon as I can. I'll be checking Crystal's blog as well, but please try to direct your links to me instead!

Taking Up Room | Follow the Fleet (1936)

Silver Screenings | Swing Time (1936)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Ginger's appearances on Hotel, Glitter, and The Love Boat

Caftan Woman | I'll Be Seeing You (1944)

KN Winiarski Writes | Top Hat (1935)

Box Office Poisons | Vivacious Lady (1938)

Crítica Retro | Three Little Words (1950)

18 Cinema Lane | Teenage Rebel (1956)

18 Cinema Lane | Royal Wedding (1951)

My Old Hollywood | I'll Be Seeing You (1944)

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | The Barkleys of Broadway (1949)

Movies Meet Their Match | Funny Face (1957)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | Second Chorus (1940)

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society | The Major and the Minor (1942)


  1. Hi Michaela, Happy New Year to you and your family and fellow bloggers. I, to am hoping for the best for Crystal and her family. I love the fact you dedicated this blogathon to Crystal that is all class. Loving your positive attitude. If anything, this year has shown us that we have needed a positive attitude, love, kindness and hope. Looking so forward to this blogathon congratulations for making it possible for all of us especially Crystal. Take care, Ros

    1. Thanks, Ros! I agree -- this year needs all the light it can get, and I think celebrating Fred and Ginger will help with that, even if it's just in some small way. :)

  2. Ginger in one of her best films:

  3. Hi Michaela, here's my post...

  4. Hi Michaela!
    Here's mine on Top Hat!

  5. Hi Michaela, here's my post about Vivacious Lady!

  6. And here you have my Three Little Words:

  7. Hi Michaela! Here are the links to my reviews for the blogathon:

  8. Hi Michaela, sending lots of well wishes for Crystal.
    Happy New years!
    Here is one of my posts, the second should be up tomorrow. thank you!!

  9. Here is my post on Funny Face (1957):

    Thanks for hosting this around everything that has happened!

  10. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my article on "Second Chorus:" Thank you for hosting this for Crystal!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  11. Dear Michaela,

    Here is my next article, a review of "The Major and the Minor:" Thank you for hosting this. Happy New Year!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Thank you, and Happy New Year to you as well!


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