Update on the Upcoming Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Blogathon

 Hello, all.

With the Fred and Ginger blogathon fast approaching, I wanted to give an update. As some of you may have seen on Facebook or elsewhere, my co-host for this event and so many past blogathons, Crystal, has been in the hospital for a few weeks now, where she has sadly fallen into a coma.

Although I considered cancelling this blogathon, I know how much Crystal loves Fred and Ginger, and I truly want this event to be a success for her. I wish there was something more meaningful I could do, but it feels like all I can do right now is continue with an event that Crystal and I were both so excited for, and I'll keep holding out hope that she wakes up any moment now and will be able to join us in some capacity.

In the meantime, please keep her and her family in your thoughts. It has been a horrific time for them and I can only imagine how worried they must be.

Thank you.


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