Announcing the Fifth Doris Day Blogathon!

 I don't know about you all, but I am, in a word, exhausted. With the pandemic still ongoing, work being crazy, and other more personal issues, my creativity and writing ability have just been zapped. Which makes me feel terrible because it seems like I've been neglecting this blog for so long. I honestly thought I'd have more time for writing and other hobbies once grad school was over -- and then COVID happened and any hope of returning to some kind of normal routine went out the window.

This is all to say that if you're a regular reader of mine, I'm sorry I haven't been around a lot. I swear it's not intentional! I'm just struggling to get to a place where writing doesn't feel like a chore that requires brain power that I don't really have.

But that's enough about poor, pitiful me! This post is really supposed to be about something happy: the return of my Doris Day blogathon!

The rules are the same as they have been: you can write about anything relating to Doris -- her films, her music, her personal life, her work with animals, her role as a style icon, the list goes on! I also won't limit how many posts you want to do.

Because there is so, so much you can write about, I'd prefer no duplicates. Sorry, all, it's first come, first serve.

You can post on any of the three days of the blogathon, or you can post early. I only ask that you be sure to send me your link and I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Now grab a banner (I tried something different with these and I'm not sure how successful I was), spread the word, and I'll see you in April!

List of Participants:

Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Lullaby of Broadway (1951)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | Move Over, Darling (1963)

My Old Hollywood | Lover Come Back (1961) and Doris's style development

KN Winiarski Writes | Young at Heart (1954)

Box Office Poisons | The Glass Bottom Boat (1966) and Day's title tracks

Dubsism | The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)

Whimsically Classic | On Moonlight Bay (1951) and By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)

Filmland Follies | Romance on the High Seas (1948)

Taking Up Room | Calamity Jane (1953)

Here's Booking at You, Kid | April in Paris (1952)

Critica Retro | The Pajama Game (1957)

Cinema Cities | Day and Rock Hudson

Movies Meet Their Match | Day's appearances on What's My Line?


  1. Yay!!
    I'd like to do a post on Lover Come Back and maybe a post on her style development.

    1. Great topics! Thanks for joining!

    2. Hi Michaela! I haven't been able to access my blog at ALL this past week, for some reason it won't let me post or even write anything. But I am working on it, are you able to upload them late... and i mean really late? Thanks again :)

    3. Sure! I hope you're able to get things worked out.

  2. Fun! My favorite movie of hers is Calamity Jane, but I've already written about that one, so I'd like to take Young at Heart. :)

  3. I'd love to join (and love those banners)! I'd like to write about The Glass Bottom Boat, and might have a second post in mind - I'll let you know if I come up with one.

  4. Count me in with "The Man who Knew Too Much."

  5. I'd like to do a post about the Winfield Family (with Doris as Marjorie, of course) and do a combined post about "On Moonlight Bay" and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon."

  6. Ooh, my very first blogathon! I'll take Romance on the High Seas, please :)

    1. Your first blogathon? I'm honored! You've picked a great film, too. Thanks for joining!

  7. Hi, Michaela! I'd like to write about "Calamity Jane," please. I've never seen it. :-)

    1. It's yours! I hope you enjoy it! I'll admit it's not one of my favorites, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that, haha.

  8. Hi, I'd like to write about April in Paris, please. :)

  9. I'm glad the blogathon is back. I'd like to write about The Pajama Game (1957), please!
    Le from Critica Retro (

    1. I love that movie so much! Glad to have you with us, Lê!

  10. Love this! I'd like to write a post about her and Rock Hudson, including an overview of their three films (Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back & Send Me No Flowers). My blog is Cinema Cities:

  11. Hi there, heres my review.. a few days early ...

  12. Hey, Michaela! It took me forever to figure out what I want to do because I couldn't find any movies to watch, so can I talk about her appearances on What's My Line? Thanks!

    MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match


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