Announcing the Lucy & Desi Blogathon!

First things first: thank you to everyone who participated in my blogathon dedicated to Van Johnson. I loved doing this event so much that I've decided to make it an annual one! When my newest blogathon idea came to me, it seemed right that my tribute to Van should segue into a celebration of two of his earliest supporters, a couple who were his good friends and his occasional co-stars: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.

Television icons. Groundbreaking pioneers. Inimitable stars. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz are all of this and more. For decades, audiences everywhere have been in love with Lucy and Desi and it isn't hard to see why. Imperfect people with perfect talent, this couple ruled screens big and small, all while being a part of a great, complicated love story.

Unfortunately, I missed Arnaz's 100th birthday in March, but since December 2nd marks the 31st anniversary of his passing, I thought what better way to honor Arnaz and the love of his life than by holding my blogathon on December 1st through the 3rd?

The rules are this: feel free to talk about anything related to Desi, Lucy, or both. You can discuss their films together, I Love Lucy, or their separate careers, such as Lucy's other TV shows. Since there are so many available topics, I'm going to ask that there be no duplicates. That being said, if someone says they want to cover I Love Lucy or any other TV show as a whole, you can still claim a specific episode. To participate, just leave me a comment, select a banner, and I'll see you in December!

UPDATE: You can now check out the posts as they arrive here!

List of Participants:


  1. Can I have The Long, Long Trailer (1953) please?

  2. Wow! Great idea.

    I would like to write up an episode of The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, Lucy's Summer Vacation.

    1. Great choice! Glad to have you!

    2. Hello. I don't see the previous comment I left or my name on the list so I'm trying by way of a reply this time. :) I'd like to write something about The Lucy Desi Comedy Hour episode, "Lucy Wins a Racehorse."

      Once Upon a Screen

    3. Strange that your first comment didn't make it through -- but it's great to have you! Thanks for joining!

  3. I'd like to concentrate on my favorite I Love Lucy episode -- "In Palm Springs." PS Really enjoyed participating in the Van Johnson Blogathon. Thanks for letting me join in.

    1. Sounds good! And it's nice to hear you enjoyed it! I'm already looking forward to doing it again next year.

  4. The only thing I have on my calendar (thus far) for December is the final installment of my James Bond oeuvre. I think I'd like to take a stab at this. I pick her appearances as a mystery guest on "What's My Line?" (IMDb says she was on 6 times. I only recall twice, but if I can find them all on YouTube, I'll do an overview.)

    1. She was absolutely astounding in "Stone Pillow", but I have no idea where to find it to watch it again, so i have to go with my second choice...

    2. That's an interesting topic! I haven't seen Stone Pillow yet because I don't know where to find it either. If you do happen upon it and want to change your topic, let me know!

    3. Thanks, but I think I'll stick with the original topic. The good news is I found clips of each appearance to add to the post. I was so excited about the idea that I've already written it. But I scheduled it to go live on Dec. 1 to coincide with the blogathon.

    4. I look forward to reading it!

  5. What a delightful idea for a blogathon! I'd love to do a blog about my favorite "I Love Lucy" episode, "Lucy Does the Tango."

  6. Hi, Michaela! I'm still reading the Van Johnson posts, but I must join the bandwagon with Stage Door (1937).

    1. Love that movie! Thanks for joining, and happy reading!

  7. Hola! As a MASSIVE fan of I Love Lucy, I will be happy to join! My topic will be Lucy and Desi's friendship with Buster Keaton. :-)

  8. Great blogathon idea Michaela! :) I would like to write about the I Love Lucy episode "Hollywood at Last" :)

    1. Love that episode! Glad to have you, Virginie!

  9. I would like to write about Lucy and Dezi in "Too Many Girls." This is a very interesting topic for a blogathon. I look forward to it.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

  10. I'd like to write about the I Love Lucy episode "The Tour" for LA Explorer ( Thanks!

  11. Hi, not sure if this is valid or not but can I review The Time Element it was produced and introduced by Desi Arnaz as part of their Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse.

    1. My blog is Realweegiemidgert Reviews and found here,

    2. That definitely qualifies! Looking forward to it!

  12. Oh, I'm so excited to read the entries for this blogathon. I Love Lucy is my favorite show ever.

    1. It's mine, too! I never get tired of watching it, no matter how often I see it. I'm getting anxious to read these entries myself!

  13. I've had the privilege of interviewing Miss Ball's longtime secretary Wanda Clark, as well as the late costume designer, Ret Turner. They provided some wonderful insight into her work ethic. I love to do something on that. Thoughts?

    1. That would be tremendous! What's your blog's name and URL? (If you don't have a blog, just let me know and I can publish your post as a guest post on my blog.)

    2. Awesome! Thank you for including me. My blog,, is still in development, but is live. This story will be the first post. Looking forward.

    3. Okay, great. How wonderful that my blogathon will be part of your first post!

    4. Hi Michaela, Don't worry. I'm not withdrawing from the blog-a-thon. However, I would like to change my topic. I see that "The Long, Long Trailer" is now available. My original piece was going in a direction I wasn't happy with, and since time of the essence I'd rather switch topics than to cancel. What say ye?

    5. So sorry I'm just now seeing this! Blogger didn't notify me at all that you commented. That topic switch is perfectly fine! Sorry again!

  14. If it's not too late, put me down for the Lucy movie THE FACTS OF LIFE.

  15. My blogathon post is now live at:

  16. Forgive me if I pull out of this blogathon. I'm very busy right now with university and don't have the time to write an in depth review.

    Thank you.

    1. No worries! I've had to do that a few times myself. Hope you're still able to join us in February for the Clark Gable Blogathon!

  17. Sorry, but going to have to withdraw from the blogaathon. Hope all goes well on the days - will be sure to join your next one !

    1. Sorry to hear that, Gill! Hope you're still able to participate in the Clark Gable Blogathon in February!

    2. Definitely, wouldnt miss Gig Young - and Mr Gable of course - for the world. Looking forward to this one.

  18. Hello, Michaela! I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to blogathons (I've only participated in one before!), but I'm a forever-fan of "I Love Lucy" and this sounds amazing! Last year I wrote a blog post celebrating the show's 65th anniversary on October 15th. Is there any chance you'd allow a year-old post submission in your blogathon? :)

    1. Hi, Wendy! I'm glad you want to join. Since I didn't specify in my rules that submissions have to be brand new, your article would be fine! Could you just add to it one of my banners and a link to this page?

    2. Done! And thanks, Michaela, for letting me join. I added the banner to the end of the post, along with a little write-up about the blogathon and a link to this page (as well as a general link to your blog). I've also added the banner to the sidebar of my blog which links back here as well. Do you need me to do anything else? :)

    3. Nope, that's it! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the other entries once they start rolling in on Friday!


    My post is up and running


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