En Pointe: The Ballet Blogathon has arrived!

It's here!

En Pointe: the Ballet Blogathon is a celebration of the gorgeous art form that has graced so many films. Fellow blogger Christina and I have teamed up to honor these films, and happily we have tons of other bloggers joining us!

If you missed our latest update, because of the unexpected popularity of this blogathon, we've decided to extend the event to August 6th. That's an extra day of fun!

And finally, to the posts!


I fall over myself listing my Twelve Favorite Water Ballets from Esther Williams.

Gill over at Realweegiemidget Reviews discusses the intense psychological thriller Black Swan (2010).

Thoughts All Sorts recommends the animated delight Ballerina (aka Leap!) (2016).

Caftan Woman takes a look at the unraveling of John Barrymore in The Mad Genius (1931).

The Midnite Drive-In talks about Russia, defection, and the extraordinary dancers Gregory Hines and Mikhail Baryshnikov in White Nights (1985).

Gene Kelly + Leslie Caron + Vincente Minnelli + Paris. Who could ask for anything more? Taking Up Room shares her love for An American in Paris (1951).

Movies Silently provides us with a lovely review of The Dancer's Peril (1917).

Wolffian Classics Movies Digest tells us about the clash between ballet and burlesque in Dorothy Arzner's Dance, Girl, Dance (1940).

My fantastic co-host Christina looks at an underrated story of love and loss in “The Jealous Lover” from A Story of Three Loves (1953).

Diary of a Movie Maniac gives us our second Mikhail Baryshnikov film, Dancers (1987).

Into the Writer Lea reviews one my personal favorites, the beautifully rendered The Glass Slipper (1955).

Sat in Your Lap presents a great review of the Gene Kelly-Stanley Donen classic On the Town (1949).

For his second post, Sat in Your Lap discusses another Gene Kelly stunner (this time with Judy Garland!), The Pirate (1948).

It's a double bill for Silver Scenes as they look at the connections between The Unfinished Dance (1947) and Ballerina (1937).

Charlene’s (Mostly) Classic Movie Reviews writes about the pressures of performing in Charlie Chaplin's Limelight (1952).

Taking Up Room is back with another splendid review, and she brought Save the Last Dance (2001) with her.

Top 10 Film Lists examines Powell and Pressburger's fairy tale The Red Shoes (1948).

The Dream Book Blog doesn't want to be alone in her praise of Garbo in Grand Hotel (1932).

For my second post, I spend time with Fred and Ginger with the incredible Shall We Dance (1937).

Life's Daily Lessons Blog covers the underseen Song of Scheherazade (1947).

Anybody Got a Match? sees how Astaire and Charisse are fated to be mated in Silk Stockings (1957).

Cary Grant Won't Eat You finds fun in Center Stage (2000).

Critica Retro looks at the teaming of Gene Tierney and Clark Gable in Never Let Me Go (1953).

Pure Entertainment Preservation Society reviews Danny Kaye as Hans Christian Andersen (1952).

Crimson Kimono considers dancer Rudolf Nureyev's turn as a violinist in Exposed (1983).

Cinematic Scribblings provides the blogathon's second look at the inimitable The Red Shoes (1948).

Silver Scenes returns with a fascinating piece on Russian ballet films of the 1940s-1960s.

My co-host Christina Wehner's second post focuses on the Royal Ballet's performance of A Winter’s Tale (2014).

Phyllis Loves Classic Movies joins us with our second post on the drama Never Let Me Go (1953).

Virginie from The Wonderful World of Cinema introduces us to the ballet scenes of Les Uns et les Autres (1981).

Blogferatu discusses the guignol aspects of Black Swan (2010).


  1. Hi, Michaela! Here's my first post: https://takinguproom.wordpress.com/2017/08/04/an-american-in-paris/

  2. My entries:


  3. Hi again, Michaela! Here's Number Two: https://takinguproom.wordpress.com/2017/08/05/save-the-last-dance/

  4. Here is the link to my submission on The Red Shoes http://www.top10filmlists.com/the-red-shoes-1948.html Thanks for hosting!! Kevin Top10filmlists.com

  5. Yay! Can't wait to read all the posts!
    Here it is mine:

  6. Here's my post on Never Let Me Go - http://phyllislovesclassicmovies.blogspot.com/2017/08/never-let-me-go-1953.html

    Thanks for hosting this blogathon!

  7. there have most entertaining and wonderful blog The Ballet Blogathon has arrived!
    really appreciate to visit. so much collective info.

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