En Pointe: the Ballet Blogathon is coming up!

In just 15 days, the Ballet Blogathon will be here! My co-host, Christina, and I are so thrilled to get things started and we have a little surprise...

Since so many wonderful participants have joined, we have decided to extend our event until August 6th. That gives everyone one extra day and hopefully makes things a bit less hectic for all involved. Plus, this blogathon is already shaping up to be quite spectacular with a wide range of films, so can you blame us for wanting to make the party last a little longer?

You can check out the original announcement post here.

We hope you guys are getting just as excited as we are!


  1. Hi there, Sent Christina a copy of this too hoping one or both of you will get it- Here's my post for the blogathon and good luck on the days (on a wee blogging break then but will be back, Christina said could send it early). Will be live 7am GMT on the 4th August, https://weegiemidget.wordpress.com/2017/08/04/black-swan-2010/ ‎

    love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  2. http://midnitedrive-in.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-dancer-who-came-in-from-cold.html

    My entry featuring Baryshnikov and Hines is now up


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