Announcing the Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Blogathon!

Astaire and Rogers. Fred 'n' Ginger. The most famous dancing duo in history. Everybody loves them, including me and Crystal of In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood! Because we adore them so much, Crystal and I have decided to co-host a blogathon dedicated to the massively talented couple for three days in July. (Just a few days after Ginger's birthday on the 16th, actually!)

The rules are pretty simple:

1) You can write about anything relating to Fred and Ginger: their collaborations, their other films, their TV appearances/specials, their fashion... whatever you'd like! Leave a comment with your topic(s) on this post or on Crystal's announcement post or email Crystal at -- don't forget to include your blog's name and URL!

2) Since there are SO MANY topics to choose from, we are accepting no duplicates, so be sure to check the roster before leaving a comment. That being said, if someone else has taken, say, Easter Parade, you could still write about one of the numbers or an interesting production detail or something else. If you're unsure what qualifies, just ask us!

3) There isn't a limit exactly on how many posts you want to write, but we would prefer no more than three entries per person.

4) Please submit new material and not previously published posts.

5) After claiming your topic, go ahead and grab a banner and please help us spread the word!

See you in July!

List of Participants:
Love Letters to Old Hollywood | Holiday Inn (1942) and Star of Midnight (1935)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Shall We Dance (1937), TBD
The Story Enthusiast | Romance in Manhattan (1935)
Caftan Woman | Follow the Fleet (1936)
Maddy Loves Her Classic Films | Top Hat (1935)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | favorite musical moments from Astaire's filmography
Musings of a Classic Film Addict | top ten list of the Fred & Ginger films
Taking Up Room | Swing Time (1936), The Barkleys of Broadway (1949) and Royal Wedding (1951)
Cinema Cities | favorite Fred & Ginger dances
The Midnite Drive-In | TV movie The Man in the Santa Claus Suit (1979)
Movie Rob | Monkey Business (1952)Finian’s Rainbow (1968), and Three Little Words (1950)
Karavansara | Funny Face (1957)
Whimsically Classic | Astaire and Rogers' split and their post-partnership careers
Critica Retro | Carefree (1938)


  1. Hi there, can I do Fred Astaire in his final film, Ghost Story (1981)? Love Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  2. Wonderful idea for a blogathon! I'd like to write about my favorite dance sequences from their films together for the occasion. :)
    My blog is Cinema Cities:

  3. Here's one I doubt most people remember. (Especially if they were born after 1979, but even old fogies like me.) Fred Astaire was in a TV movie called "The Man in the Santa Claus Suit". He appears as like 9 or 10 different characters in the movie. Especially nice is I can title my post "Christmas in July"

    1. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! I'll put you down for it.

  4. I would like to write about Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire's split from one another and their respective post-"Astaire & Rogers" careers.

    1. What a fascinating topic! Thanks for joining!

  5. I want to do The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle

  6. Hi, can I change my post to my my favourite musical moments from Fred Astaire in the movies? (I'm sure at least two will feature Ginger Rogers) thanks, Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews.

    1. Thanks Michaela! Can you tell Crystal. Hope all well with you - got another blogathon I'm announcing on Tuesday , love you to join!

    2. Intriguing -- I'll keep my eye out for it!

    3. Decided to publish one day early;

  7. Dear Michaela,

    I would like to participate with an article about "Stage Door" from 1937. It's one of my favorite articles with Ginger Rogers.

    By the way, I would like to invite you to join an event I am hosting on my website, #CleanMovieMonth: Starting on July 1st, it’s a month long celebration of Code films and clean entertainment. All you have to do is watch movies from the greater Breen Era exclusively. Then, in the beginning of August, you can write an article about your thoughts on the experiment. It shouldn’t be hard for you, since I know how much you love old movies. Even if you think you’ll be too busy to write any articles for this event, I would be very grateful if you would read my announcement and consider reposting it on your website. Your articles get so much more traffic than mine do, and I could really use the publicity.

    I hope you would agree to participate. I would be honored by your talent.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Tiffany, I'm so sorry I'm just now seeing this! Blogger has stopped notifying me of new comments and it's been a struggle keeping up without those alerts. We would love to have you join with Stage Door! And I'll read your announcement, too!

  8. I didn't title it "Christmas in July" after all, but here is my post.

  9. Hi there, here's my entry for the blogathon; from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews


    Here's my entry!

  11. Dear Michaela,

    Here is the link to my article on "Stage Door" from 1937: Thank you for letting me participate. I'm sorry that I'm a little late in sending it

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. No worries, glad you were still able to join us!


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